Danny of Sean Cody as a cast member at Ultimate Fighter 15

It was best to post this opinion from Alias74 today since the show of Danny of Sean Cody as an MMA Fighter, Ultimate Fighter 15, just started airing on FX.

Danny mentioned in an interview that his decision to work for Sean Cody was a mistake “Yeah, it’s true, it’s something I did a long time ago. It was a mistake and it was in the past. I’m just trying to move on to bigger and better things now. I’ve dealt with this stuff ever since I did it. I did those movies for the money and people are going to opinionated, and there’s going to be haters, but those people that actually know me and care about me as a person know it was a mistake.


OPINION of Alias74

Danny_seancody_mma_01I don’t hold any ill will to Danny/Dakota Cochrane for wanting to pursue his dreams of being an MMA fighter: in fact, I GET IT!

For motivations known ONLY to Mr. Cochrane (and not necessarily ‘those close to him’ as he keeps saying) he is choosing to characterize his work as “a mistake” and that “Every time [he] was down there [at the Sean Cody shoots]… [he] hated it”. Kinda like a certain someone named ‘Marc Dylan’ whom by ALL accounts, we’ve given him a pass.

The whole ‘mistake/stupid college thing’ is but ONE of two things that keep getting bandied about during this whole IDIOTIC controversy. And again, I don’t begrudge Mr. Cochrane for now taking to the media to acknowledge it and move on! In fact as his manager has said, it’s NEVER been a secret or anything that he has HID (in fact apparently he has lost sponsors and fights because of his complete and utter transparency about his gay porn work).

I think the more disturbing thing is the fact that he, his camp, and the more vocal Cochrane supporters keep referring to Cochrane’s Sean Cody clips as “this negative thing” or saying it was “horrible” and not so subtly implying that BUT FOR being immature and stupid (like all ‘college’ students, right?) he would have NEVER done gay porn work (because he’s ‘straight’ and has a girlfriend whom he is going to marry, right?) and they tricked him with all that money ($80,000 for 12 clips – four of which he bottomed in, one three way and one five man orgy; who wouldn’t take that kind of money, right?).

Frankly: THAT aspect of this whole controversy is INSULTING and DEROGATORY to gay men everywhere, college students, and materialistic, money-minded individuals!

Good luck, Mr. Cochrane!!! You SHOULD be able to determine your own future in sports and chasing your dreams. Just choose your words a little more carefully in the future.


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