Cody Cummings – Blog Blunder – Hook, Line and Sinker

This post was written by Gerald.

For the record, I don’t understand the fascination with Cody Cummings. I have a subscription to ND and haven’t downloaded any of his videos. I don’t find his videos or his shtick the least bit attractive but apparently many do.


This showed up in my RSS Feed for Towleroad and has since been deleted from the website.


Personally think it would have been better if Andy would have just modified the post saying he had been fooled rather than trying to remove all the evidence.

Screen shot of the article borrowed from Squirtz, who also noticed the blunder.

When I read it, I thought either this is a joke or someone is an over the top drama queen. I mean who says:  “I’m a performer through and through, and when life gives you lemons – you just have to perform.” Sounds like something out of Sunset Boulevard. Out of curiosity I went to Manhunt Daily for the original post. At the end of the post it states:  “Note:  Everything in this post is a lie, all of it.



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