John Magnum sent this comment at Mike South’s blog about the rates of gay porn stars.
I don’t have an agent anymore. I used to be represented by Fabscout which is based in Ft. Lauderdale but dropped them after realizing they were facilitating the decrease in scene rates for their models and since they represent the majority of gay performers, it impacted the whole industry. This might sound like hogwash so I will explain. Fabscout receives payment from the porn companies they book there models with, on average $500 each. Then take a % from the models check, 10-20%. If they play ball with the companies and tell the models $1500 is the best offer, they make more off sheer volume from the companies. They have no incentive to negotiate for the models since 10% of a $500 increase in model pay is only $50 to the agent. Like I said, when I started it was $3000 minimum, after signing w Fabscout my rate fell to $1500 immediately. But since it was a multiple scene deal I made more and took the bait. That’s my fault. By the time I dropped them the industry standard was $1000/scene. I found all this out because I asked the producer why I was getting paid so little and was informed that if they didn’t have to pay Fabscout $500 a model they could afford to pay the models more. I immediately fired my agent and went freelance. Unfortunately, the damage was done and once you lower your scene rate you can’t raise it and expect to continue getting work. I explained all this because few know any of this. Especially since many gay companies forbid you from telling other performers your scene rate. I’ve got emails to back that up.
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