Mike Dozer and Seth (Treston) Santoro

Yesterday, news of  Mike Dozer‘s arrest last year just came into light in gay porn. The arrest happened last December 18, 2013. News of the incident was already reported last Dec 24, 2013 and last month by news publications. Mike Dozer will return to court this coming February 27, 2014. The sad part was that it involved a 14 year old boy and a 33 year old HIV positive man.


Seth Treston, now known as Seth Santoro, is working for other porn studios even if he is still under contract with Lucas Entertainment.


Considering the norm for contracts is less than a year, Seth is contracted to Lucas Entertainment till 2016.

[Michael Lucas @ QMN] Seth Treston is a Lucas Entertainment model and yes he just violated his contract again. He is under the contract and he will remain so until the expiration of the agreement on June 17, 2016. In the meantime he has no right to work for any one else. We are contacting all the studios letting them know that he is under an exclusive agreement.

Husband’s (Billy Santoro) comment at QMN

Fact – Lucas didn’t pay Seth or Michael Lachlan for a fetish scene.

Fact – Lucas changed his business model to BB this voiding Seth’s previous agreement.

Fact- Lucas didn’t not pay Seth at the contractual time agreed upon for any scenes.

Fact- proper STD testing was not conducted post bb agreement (Seth caught Chlamidia on set)

Fact- Seth was sexual harassed by Lucas personally on multiple ocassional behind the scenes.

Fact- employee has the right to leave a contract when unsafe work conditions are present.

Fact- Lucas threatened studios but never tried to sue the model because he knows he will lose.

Fact- studios are afraid of Lucas for some stupid reason.

Fact- Lucas has slandered Mosel and models family to other industry participants.


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