Opinion by D51 on Gay Hoopla

Other studios such as Corbin Fisher and Sean Cody have higher rates of newbies coming back and perform more. Almost all Corbin Fisher incredibly amazing newbies fucked and get fucked. They’re Truman, Kennedy, Taylor, Tyler, Easton, Smith, Trenton and the latest, Jacob who bottomed for the first time. These guys are definitely fan favorites from the beginning just like Adam McBride, Jason Keys, Chris Kohler and Zach Rode.

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The problem with Gay Hoopla is that this site is debuting every new guy in such a big way and it’s almost like a homecoming parade celebration for every model but at the end, fans left disappointed because these new guys won’t come back for more.

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Gay Hoopla is Fratmen 2.0.

Who wants to pay a shitload of money to watch naked guys masturbating and not have sex?


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