At the end of 2014, Corbin Fisher decided to update their site everyday (if you are a member of both ACM & ACS). But, a week ago, there were no updates on the 22nd & 24th. So far this week, it did not have a day without an update unless there is no update tomorrow.
According to Corbin Fisher with regards to the update schedule, it will be quality over quantity “As far as the update schedule… A poll we ran suggested people really wanted a focus on bringing in as many high quality guys as possible (such as Coen, Grant and Hugh) and getting them in to guy/guy action – so a greater focus on quality of new guys, and quality of guy/guy action they engage in, as opposed to quantity of updates. We also did some analysis on how the former release schedule was being received and how subscribers were accessing episodes and it supported this (a decent chunk weren’t even bothering to fully download or stream one of the weekly updates). We’re looking at some specials and features to replace that one release that I think people will really like and that will be very unique and cool.”
*** I decided to remove the post on Jasper. Corbin Fisher wanted their model’s personal data (even first names) as private as possible “I know it was a mistake at this end and you’re just commenting on that, but we would greatly appreciate your assistance fighting to keep our models real identities as private as possible. Unfortunately there are some people out there that have used information to track down models and cause serious problems for them in their personal lives.“
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