Arturo Torres of Gay Hoopla

Marcus of Latin Boyz

Bryan Linney of Fresh Men

Sylvester Red [gallery] of Stag Collective

Nick Clay [gallery] of Stag Collective

Alex Bardan of William Higgins

Danny Garcia of East Boys

Jack Simmons of Boys Halfway House

Brett of Corbin Fisher

Tristan (aka Elder Campbell & Julian Waits) of Corbin Fisher

Gianni Maggio of Masqulin

Danny Moore of English Lads

Vote for your favorite.
Mar 2021 (Week 4) - Arturo, Marcus, Bryan, Sylvester, Nick, Alex, Danny, Jack, Brett, Tristan, Gianni or Danny? (Poll Closed)
Total Votes: 869
*** This poll will end on March 28, 2021 ***
*** None Of The Above option won in last week’s poll ***
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