Steven Angel of Lucas Entertainment

Craig Marks of Lucas Entertainment (first appeared at English Lads)

Lucas Mancinni of Amateur Gay POV (also of Raw Hole)

Lucien Ross of Belami Online

Cleo of Latin Boyz

Tan Blitz of Masqulin & Say Uncle

Ernest of Beefcake Hunter

Theo Rous of William Higgins

Vojtech Vasko of William Higgins

Jay Robinson of English Lads

Jeremy Hall of Helix Studios

Jim Sander of Boy Fun

Cade Cooper of Say Uncle

Dino Fendi of Fresh Men

Vote for your favorite (I am trying out a different plugin for the poll).
Blake Ryan of Sean Cody won in last week’s poll.
Craig Marks is stunning, just a shame he’s working for Cunty McDuckCunt.
Steven Angel and Craig Marks hands down. Theo Rous of WH identified himself as gay in his Erotic Solo.
Better when you can’t see the poll results first, less chance of swaying the vote.
Done, as requested.
IMO these polls are not as interesting when you can’t see how many votes each guy is getting.
The results link has been added.
When Craig Marks fuck females the cry will be good here.
Just a warn.