1. kevin

    randy blue wins

    • Cherrystick

      Hands down.

  2. Cherrystick

    The RB Johnny was one of my absolute favorites. I know he went into the military afterwards and he made a brief appearance at one point a year after he stopped doing studio scenes and then he just vanished. Hope he’s okay. He was the cutest.

  3. J-Man

    I don’t think Shelley Fabares was singing about either of them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwIYSofgpY0

  4. Andy

    The Asian guy dick is so small. Such a shame. He is good looking though.

    • kevin

      he was a very sexy bottom…if you like having sex with someone…the size of his dick should not matter…

    • Zombieking

      The size of his dick is perfectly fine

    • Kaeden

      andy: Racist much??

  5. Cherrystick

    No size Queen here. Penis is penis and I love them all. Shade, shape and size doesn’t make a difference to me.

    • J

      Agreed. The Asian guy is super sexy!

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