Then & now on Ace Quinn

Ace Quinn in 2019 at Men

Ace Quinn in 2020 at Cocky Boys.

Ace Quinn last July for Masqulin.

Ace Quinn at Raw Fuck Club from his homemade video uploaded 2 months ago.

Ace Quin last September at Men.

Ace Quinn in his latest tweet.

Previous posts on Ace Quinn


  1. Andy

    Ace Quinn still is handsome but I don’t understand getting so many tattoos? He has gained a little weight but I guess that’s life. Porn does have unrealistic standards for male models especially in gay porn to be incredibly fit.

  2. DeanD

    It’s amazing how you don’t notice a model until you do. This is the first time I’ve paid attention to Ace Quinn and now he’s my latest porn crush. He’s hot!

  3. Tye

    I think he is hot with or without the extra weight. Plus, I like the ink!

  4. Reg

    His physique was absolutely fine and I prefer a more natural looking guy, because these days “ripped” tends to automatically mean roided in gay porn. The tattoos though…they’re not fine. He’s wrecked himself and his face? I know that teardrops are prison gang tattoos, but doesn’t an antichrist cross under the eye have some darker meaning too?

    • Res1

      The last pic is too photoshopped to tell what he really looks like.

      Tattoos have grown on me cause they have been forced on me, lol, but his are overboard. It’s weird how guys get tattoos nowadays to make them appear edgier. Tattoos are their own persona nowadays and some people will consider you less hot if you don’t have them.

  5. Cherrystick

    Oh no not the face and neck tattoo. What happened to the beauty without the ink? Ace is sexy with or without the muscle that’s a given.

    I’m not super thrilled with some of his go to guys for his fans pages but I’m a little concerned. How do you go from just the arm sleeve to neck tat, face tat and additional piercings in just a few months? I’m August it seemed like he had none of that except from the one on his arm.

    I know some people love tats and piercings and nothings wrong with that but for me it’s distracting from his hotness and natural beauty.

  6. Laird

    Geez Ace looks awful, especially in that last pic with the neck tattoo. Whatever happened to him???

    • Res1

      The last pic is too photoshopped to tell what he really looks like.

      Tattoos have grown on me cause they have been forced on me, lol, but his are overboard. It’s weird how guys get tattoos nowadays to make them appear edgier. Tattoos are their own persona nowadays and some people will consider you less hot if you don’t have them.

  7. Matty

    Yikes. Why do gorgeous guys always ruin themselves with ugly tattooes? Whatever… I bet he has some substance abuse or mental health issues? His behavior comes off as erratic.

  8. J.D. Pardo

    Not only in gay porn … in the gay community there are too many standards of beauty that beyond being accepted ARE IMPOSED by some members of the gay community…. Ace looks healthy and that’s what matters… what I don’t love are the tattoos but if he’s happy with them… who am I to judge….

    • Max

      He doesn’t look healthy he looks like a thug like a criminal. I will never understand why a good looking man makes himself look ugly with tattoos.

  9. toddgriz

    I guess he wanted the “I’ve spent time in prison” without actually putting the time in. It’s not a food look.

  10. toddgriz

    Obviously I cant type

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