Luka Lovic of William Higgins

Bruno The Beard X (versatile at Raw Fuck Club) of Tim Tales

Ray of Beefcake Hunter

Dylan Vance of Boy Fun

Hendrik Dijk of William Higgins

Mike Love of Sean Cody

Dom Dimarco of Gay Hoopla

Shutter Shatter of Bi Latin Men

Deivid Miniero of Raw Hole

Stallion Fabio of Fucker Mate

Fox Rifler (first top of Damien White) of The Guy Site

Phillipe Massa (Phillipe in 2015) of Men

Vote for your favorite.
Fox has my vote. He’s masculine, bearded, beefy, hairy, bushy–and a ginger to boot. In my dreams it’s him and me generating our heat in front of a remote cabin’s roaring fire while a blizzard rages outside.
I predict he’ll do well in this poll not only because he’s hot but also because he’s different. To me, the twinky Euro guys with shaved pits are a dime a dozen (although I have to admit that Luka’s smile and cock caught my eye). Guys like Fox (and Bruno) stand out.
Absolutely agree and he’s gay as a goose–his OF site has him eating cum and also favoring gingers. Mike Love, also gay, looks to become a major power bottom, Henidrik at Higgins identifies as bi but “prefers boys.” The Beard X is a major power bottom and is also gay. Interesting crowd.
His name is SHATTER, not Shutter.