Andy McBride of Gay Hoopla, who was thumbed down by the majority in the “Is Andy McBride a good addition to gay porn?” post 5 days ago, got the most number of votes as your favorite model for January 2022.

Second place was Lane Colten followed by Johnny Harden.
Gayhoopla et al have hot guys for sure. I think some of their antics might leave a bitter taste. ( unprofessionalism, slut shaming of former talent, producers/directors having sex with performers, some of the fratbro Trumpy antics)
Good looking man!
Andy Mcbride was the hottest guy up there in the vote.tall, muscular, only one tattoo that doesn’t distract. Rare breed of model. LaEl/T-blurred are really good at casting I’ll give them that.
I’m liking Andy! Just wish I saw his social too and I hope he becomes as good as James Manziel or Canelo Ment