Kyler with his 6th scene with Roman at Corbin Fisher filmed more than a year since Kyler is now known as Ashton Silvers, who first had a scene released last March 2021 with a tattoo on his chest.
- The Devil Wears NADA
- Romancing Kyler
- Four Banger
- Roman Empties Kyler
- Kyler’s Cubano
- Rogering Roman

Malik Delgaty kissed (no tongue) Troye Dean before he barebacked Troye at the fire station that had a pole with no hole on the floor or ceiling for Men. It also showed the dancing skills of Malik.

Jesse Stone showed his versatility in his threesome with Gino Zanetti & Trevor Brooks at Guys In Sweatpants that included a train fuck with Jesse in the middle. And, Jesse has an upcoming scene at Gay Room as the top to Michael Boston.

Jesse and Michael, can’t wait.
Hey Malik give Troye a little sugar while you’re fucking him. Stop being such an entitled top man. Troye is giving you his ass, the least you can do is give him some tongue.
I think Jesse enjoys bottoming way more than topping. I loved him when he topped say 80/20 then out of nowhere he just bottoms everywhere and acts like a squealy little girl so he luvs bottoming now. W/e he is fun but I liked him when topped more.
Sorry, meant to hit a general comment but for some reason MOP posted it as a reply to ur comment when i didnt mean to.
I think Jesse enjoys bottoming way more than topping. I loved him when he topped say 80/20 then out of nowhere he just bottoms everywhere and acts like a squealy little girl so he luvs bottoming now. W/e he is fun but I liked him when topped more.
I think Jesse enjoys earning way more money because bottoming pays than topping. Out of nowhere he just bottoms everywhere because inflation and higher rents mean that he needs to earn more money.
And except for these two scenes he probably gets more because he loves to eat cum as well in most of his scenes elsewhere. He’s a prize addition to gay porn and love the squeals.
Its easier to bottom, no need for a hard on. Tops should get paid more to keep it hard and fk.
Bottoms have to do a lot of prep that tops don’t have to do.
Malik might actually be the dullest, most disinterested gay4payer of all time. That’s really saying something, but he’d be showing more interest in stirring his coffee than fucking another guy :-/
You’re pretty much on the money. Malik is nothing more than an automaton that fucks. No sensuality. No emotion. No intimacy or affection. I think he was made in some lab or something. A mere machine. I get a lot of those same vibes from Pierce Paris. No soul energy coming from him either. I remember several years ago, I saw an interview of Pierce and I remember the interviewer asking him what his favorite part of a guy was, to which Pierce replied, “His wallet”. That did it for me. Never saw him the same again. Lost all interest.
Lol. 1st world problems…Tops, in some ppls opinions, not acting like theyre liking gay sez. Fkng spoiled idiots in our culture.
“Malik might actually be the dullest, most disinterested gay4payer of all time.”
When you consider guys from the past like Clay Maverick, Mason Jarr (dear lord, who picked that name?), and Barrett Long, that’s quite an accomplishment. I don’t know if Barrett Long ID’d as G4P but I’m assuming so. He may actually be the worst; in his Active Duty scenes, I’ve never seen a more lifeless pile of flesh.
I agree, that’s why I don’t bother to watch his scenes anymore. Tons of other guys that are hot and put more into their scenes that that guy. Skip over him.
Those Delgaty guys are dull as dishwater.
The ABSOLUTE hilarity is that they’re not related, but I don’t believe you’ll ever see them fuck each other. They are both the deadest wood going in “gay” porn.
If u follow them on IG Malik was bragging they are brothers. Probably just publicity and not true brothers but malik on IG was always stating they were brothers.