Next Door Studios with a storyline common at Men.
The girlfriend of Ashton Silvers was always busy that interfered with their sex life. So, Harley Xavier stepped in to help. The loyal bro did what other bros would do in this type of situation – a flip fuck.

The girlfriend came back since she forgot her purse but the door was locked.

Did she catch her boyfriend screwing with Harley? We will find out this coming Saturday.
You know… We really never talk about what a nice cock Harley Xavier has. It is a solid 2 fister and always HARD. Everyone always got caught up with his boyfriends cock ( and rightfully so, its a monster ) and he never got the proper credit. But I am very sure Ashton Silvers ( CF KYLER ) is completely enjoying it. Ashton was always rock hard and moaning loud getting fucked by the guys over at Corbin Fisher. So I know he is digging Harley. Ashton really might be one of the few TOPS and BOTTOMS that is equally hard and good doing both ! This scene looks like it could be good…