From Helix Studios to Sean Cody to Corbin Fisher for Kevin Daley

Kevin Daley, whose cock was measured at 8.5″, had scenes as the top at Helix Studios from 2017 to 1019.

Last March, he was introduced by Sean Cody as Kevin and he had a scene as the top to Angelo.

This week, he is now the latest guy at Corbin Fisher as Carter via his scene as the top to Dylan.


  1. Reg

    He looks 40 and methed-out! How hard a life has he had in the last 16 months?

    • Hahn

      How right you are!!! My first thought was “you can’t stay at Helix forever, eventually you get too old for Helix”. But he’s really hard-looking here,and in an unhealthy way.

  2. C.A.

    This Bobble-headed lackluster waste of space is a telling sign when it comes to CF. It shows just how far they’ve fallen. Is there any way to come back from this?

  3. Little Miss Kiss

    He’s unattractive and a bad performer at any studio. It takes more than a big dick in this industry.

  4. J

    Why does he look so terrible – the hair – at Sean Cody? His threesome at Helix was hot as hell, and his body was INSANE there.

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