In the past, a reader of this blog shared his experience with English Lads that required him to submit documents to verify his identity so he can access the site once again. The same rule applies to its sister site at Fit Young Men.
I just signed up to (the same owner of Within 24 hours, they sent me an abusive email telling me to give them 2 ids such as 1.) my driving license or passport and 2.) My bank statement and my utility bill within 3 months. They don't want to give me a refund if I don't provide them those documents. How unfair is it? They got the money and want me to show them my bank statement of the past 3 months. This is a bit strange because first, those documents are the gateway to steal the identity. Also, nobody wants to submit the document to identify that they are gay and watch gay porn. Since when people want to watch gay porn and have to confirm the identity, I know why Fityoungmen wants to operate like a government agency to collect the viewer identity.
The email from the owner of Fit Young Men.
Hello From time to time we check member information because our security suspected an incomplete or incorrect name and address; you are bound by the terms and conditions of your membership and we draw your attention on the join page with an active opt in button to this "To join FYM you need to provide your real name and address, privacy policy, if after you join we discover the information is not accurate, we will block your membership as you are in breach of the T&C's and ask you to prove your data. If you then fail to provide accurate details you are not entitled to a refund." Please login to FYM and on the secure page provide your real name and address and upload a document like drivers license that proves this data. If you live at a different address to where your card is registered also that address. If you don't have one document that proves name and address please upload two, one that proves your name (drivers license or passport) and one that proves address (utility bill or bank statement, no older than 3 months) and please only upload via the pay area of FYM, DO NOT EMAIL US. Clarification statements: 1. This information is not shared with anyone and is stored securely and we do not send anything in the mail. 2. Zone 8 Media Ltd, my company, is managed like any business should be, complies with the laws of England and Wales, and you can see our Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy, GDPR compliant, on the website links, on the bottom of each page of the website. Please login and provide full and correct details of your name and full address. Best wishes Nick Baker Director Zone 8 Media Ltd
The bottom part of the join page of Fit Young Men.

Nick baker is a complete arshole DO NOT JOIN THIS SITE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.
Agreed and read my response below as he has been at this for years and it is bang out of order to be fair!
Yeah, I just checked it and it’s pretty clear – right above the “I accept” checkbox. It isn’t as if it is hard to see or hidden somewhere – so they are on the up and up. That said, in the United States, depending on your state of residence, you could probably simply do a charge back with your credit card company – which BTW, would ding that business.
Another thought, to be fair, this appears to be something the business is required to do because of laws in the UK. Here is a good summary:
Hey Mike that is not the case as no other site in the UK has this level of invasive procedure, asking for documents to prove one’ ID. This is that particular owners choice to enforce this as he thinks it will stop people, sharing his inferior product which is basically guys posing and jerking each other off. What I think you are referring to is the online safety bill which is an update of a previous attempt 2 years age where one had to evidence their age. It was shelved then and it will be again as it will be impossible to police!
Correct. I saw an article in “The Verge” about it:
“The UK government has revived plans for porn sites to verify users’ ages — an initiative that was scrapped in 2019 due to technical challenges and criticism from privacy campaigners.
The new rules will be part of the UK’s Online Safety Bill, a mammoth piece of legislation intended to reset how digital platforms are governed in the country. The bill originally stipulated that only porn sites that allowed user-generated content (like OnlyFans) would have to verify users’ ages, but this has now been updated to cover all pornography sites. ”
You’d think there would be more pressing issues for legislators to contend with instead of vibrating in place over porn.
With those requirements it’s a wonder the sites haven’t gone under.
Sorry to hear about your experience and this is not unusual for this overzealous owner who is extremely controlling over his product, and making loads of money out of his loyal customers. You are not the first to be caught out like this1 Its not a requirement for any other site accept for Nick Baker the owner, as he does not want his increasing inferior product to be shared. Although his films are already all over internet tubes sites. I subscribed to this site for over 7 years and after a string of issues whereby he mislead us subscribers, by producing pictures with two models and then the which follows several week later, featured him and one of the models instead.
This was bang out of order, and he banned me as well as lots of others who complained about this midway through my lengthy subscription from his site. Having to produce this level of information is ridiculous, totally unnecessary and intimidating and breach of your privacy. Also the restrictions re downloads is absolutely ridiculous. I just wish that the websites who advertise Nick Baker product stop doing so altogether, or place a warning so that unsuspecting subscribers are aware of his suspect practices!
If people are foolish enough to join either of these sites, then I’d have absolutely no sympathy for them if this private information is used inappropriately. If people want to put up with this, and join, they have the right to be stupid.
They will probably complain more about the inability to download, or additional purchase requirements to see more of the site, or other limitations or additional charges, than they will giving out private information to this guy.
It’s simple, stay away from these sites.
That’s harsh and people are not ‘stupid’ which is bloody insulting. A lot of people get sucked by the gloss, without reading reviews etc. This site is extremely restrictive but the lure of the guys and the not so obvious restrictions result in people joining unwittingly and being unable to cancel and thus gaining that owner loads of money with his shite service. This is one of the only sites that is a challenge for its overall product!
so did you get a refund for the 1st month subsciption?
Report them to Visa and Mastercard for abusive / questionable practices
It’s because they know how much their scenes lack actual sex
I like the look of the guys on this site, but like some other sites using real amateurs the owners are amateurs. After being in business for a number of years this guy still hasn’t learned how to make a quality movie. Even guys I have seen on pro sites come out looking like duds here.
He stopped allowing you to download videos and photo sets. What’s really in this for us? Also, you can buy older videos and buy special videos but you can’t keep them. When you quit the site, your purchased video is blocked. WTF!
I imagine that SO many people complain after they’ve subscribed, found out what’s not their and ask for their money back. It’s their fault for not being sure what they’re getting into, because EL has a shocking reputation that no one is shy about talking about. I’d want my money back, but I’d also take the hit if I made that mistake. Their attitude though and also, wanting all of that ID? That’s not normal in the UK. If they’re getting a valid payment, it’s none of their business, unless they’re selling your details on for profit. It wouldn’t surprise me, because the same has no content and has to make its money somehow or other. Stop the payment, get your money back and check MOP or do a Google search before you ever sign up to one of these websites. It’s the same with anyone’s OF…be sure.
Reading this reminds me of the owner of a site called Bear411.. I’m not going to go into detail, but if you google “bear411 complaints” you’ll see why…
Hard to believe this site is still in business!
Ive joined and experienced no issues, however the quality is poor, every scene opens with the same voice saying ” how pleased he is to see your smiling face” – so seems formulaic , each scene follows same pattern, the occasional fuck scenes are also bad, each pairing having sex in same positions – doggy, riding and always finish on their sides….. models gurning and grinning nervously,