Jaxon Grey (19, 6’3″, 190 lbs., 9″) as the top to Calvin Russe (24, 6’3″, 210 lbs., 6″) at Gay Hoopla.

- Jaxon gave Calvin a rim that didn’t look fake unlike what Calvin did.
- Calvin shot his load while fucked by Jaxon.
- Jaxon shot his load inside the mouth of Calvin then kissed Calvin.
- Calvin was interviewed while cum of Jaxon was still hanging on his chin.

Rudalo (5’8″, 154 lbs., 7″ uncut) as the bottom to Alberth Pineda (5’8″, 154 lbs., 8″ uncut) at Tim Tales.

Bob Knight (6’6″, 197 lbs., 9″ uncut) as the top to Jayden Woods (5’10”, 165 lbs., 7″) at Bait Buddies.

- Bob sucked cock and rimmed Jayden.
- Bob’s cum shot hit the face of Jayden.

I absolutely love Jaxon and Calvin, and the kissing at the beginning and the director saying ‘hold on, hold on’ make me laugh. Damn that kiss was hot. The scene looks good and I am looking forward to seeing all of it. Calvin remind me of a Sean Cody model. Jaxon I find his smile endearing and it make sme feel all warm inside. Its a yes from me!
Had do another update after watching it and and wanted to say Thank you Gay Hoopla for producing a Bloody Decent scene for once. Both guys perform well with good energy. Jaxon I love this guy he is fun and makes me laugh. Calvin is hot in a two sandwiches short of a picnic way. But his Ass Damn! There was some wood issues with Jaxon nerves I guess, and I want to see him bottom. His cum shot like in his solo was weak, but over all, a great addition to Gay Hoopla and gay porn!
There are some really brilliant cock suckers here. I don’t know if they’re G4P’s, but they’re doing it with gusto!
And slightly ginger Calvin is a superior cum eater and Jayden is a new fiery ginger superstar in the making.