Jay Apollon (22, 5’7″, 178 lbs., 7.5″) of Jawked

Jordan (25, 6’0″, 150 lbs., 8″) of Corbin Fisher

Leo Thomas (19) of Belami Online

Ervin Hasek (18, 5’10”, 198 lbs., 6.3″) of William Higgins

Leo Woodman (30, 5’8″, 182 lbs., 7″) of Gay Hoopla

Aaron Lennox (21, 6’3″, 165 lbs., 7.5″) of Broke Straight Boys

Kaspar Dixon of Fresh Men

Milo Fitzroy (19, 6’2″, 6″) of English Lads (A reminder to would be members.)

Dom King of Men

Vote for your favorite.
Thomas Johnson of Sean Cody won in last week’s poll.
Aaron is really cute, looks like a guy that i used to hang out with.
Aaron and Casper and not keen on Jordan although I see he is doing well!
KASPAR DIXON might just grow into a nice porn star. I hope he sticks around and lets us see….