All I’m going to say is if a girl was wearing the costume Dillion Roman has on, she’d be twitter roasted and be branded a slut…
That outfit is bloody awful what was he thinking wearing that get up!
No, I won’t buy Maliki’s calendar. The guy is gorgeous, he’s in his prime…but I have a ton of butts, schlongs, porn and handsomeness on Internet.
Gino Zanetti has only 21 y.o. and a body made to wear speedos.
What a disgusting bunch of loser in that gang bang…I’m happy to be miles away…
Colby Keller is more than forty years old now…Is he still an ‘ artist ‘ ?
When a porn performer (…whore ) says: “- I had a desease “, I say: Ahhh…
losers, *disease.
And this my friends is what the world is coming to… spell check at you finger tips…. If only I could have the same desease… a hem.. disease!!! Lol!
That t-shirt Steve Cruise is wearing is the first time in a while I’ve seen twisted woke logic like that.. simply WOW..
It’s a joke, sweetie.
Greyson Carter looks like someone put shoe polish around his eye..
It always amazes me how Drew Valentino can take a fist up his ass yet still put his foot in his mouth.
Michael Roman – all day long, so handsome!
Davin Strong – thanks for the warning, I can’t ever imagine watching that nasty group of people have sex! I guess anyone can appear in porn these days 🙁
Malik – please just go away!
Logan – cute pic
Malik got old fast. I’d say his peak was 2020. After 100 scenes, he lost the little bit of luster he had, which was minuscule to begin with because he is a shit performer BOTH sexes. All I see is a block head (aka juice head) when I look at him now. Honestly, I don’t care if he ever bottoms; It’s time for MEN to scout for another exclusive, this one has hit the wall.
Colby Keller is an interesting anthropological study in “what it takes to end a porn career”. Think about it – in 2016 he said something akin to how he thought Trump was going to win, but it was written in a way that was construed as Trump shoud win, and that was enough to make him persona non grata in porn. So much so that 6 years later he is radioactive (he’s always on the edge as if he is looking for a ‘comeback’ and there are absoltely no takers).
Compare it to some of the outlandish (and downright psychotic) things people say now, and they are still in porn. Or the sheer amount of people who have committed crimes (like clearly “no way” crimes like multiple assault on women and defenseless people, leaving a fatal accident, child absue) -some of which have been imprisoned- and still managed to come back to porn.
I’m sure there is “background” stuff which adds to the level of this being the last straw (or not) for people, but from the outside looking in, it’s fascinationg.
Who TF would want to look at Malik Delgaty for a whole year. He really needs to disappear and just get out of porn all together.
Colby Keller is still good looking and has been from the beginning. I would date him in a heartbeat.
You need to have your eyes checked if you think Colby is good looking compared to Malik, there ain’t no comparison as Colby is an old skanky Dump supporter so good riddance to him and his ilk. He’s the one who should disappear from porn altogether.
Justin Brody – You are about as Florida-looking as they come. Tampa area.
Colby Keller – Will never forgive this vocal MAGA moron for what he’s done to this country. He deserves to be exactly where he is, which evidently is sitting in a discarded bathtub in a junkyard.
Delgaty – He’s a pretty enough. But way too overplayed and thirsty to be appealing. He’s the tan Camry of porn actors.
Strong – Dude… Bruthaman… You really need to develop some standards regarding who you will have as scene partners. This is a revolting group that’s going to bang you.
Roman – Still a sexy beast!
Carter – Baseball cap to the back, t-shirt, stubble, black eye… Yes I find this hot as fuck.