Ashton Silvers “I think it’s funny when ppl call me straight, like ya I sulrp up a good pussy but like have you seen how many dicks I’ve sucked 🤔 haha no hate just thought it was funny”

The latest cocks for Ashton Silvers were Des Irez & Trevor Brooks at Next Door Studios [gallery] and Kylan Boyd at Broke Straight Boys.

Ashton started in 2019 as Kyler at Corbin Fisher and now with almost 100 scenes released.


  1. Gazzaq

    I am glad he said that because on Corbin Fisher where he started it was the usually homophobic bullshit that he was ‘Straight’ yeah whatever! This man loves cock end of, and thank goodness for that!

    • tatebait

      Look him up on Sexyjobs, he clearly identifies as straight.

      • Gazzaq

        So do I, STRAIGHT TO BED !😂😂🤣🤣

  2. Secret

    I don’t care if he straight or gay as in my eye I don’t find him attractive enough… So why should I concern anou his secualoty…

  3. Reg

    “I sulrp up a good pussy”…Jesus. And then, “have you seen how many dicks I’ve sucked”…and what, are we supposed to be impressed? It’s not like he said “good dicks”, “great dicks”, or “I love dick”.

    He smacks just of being straight, who’s gone gay4pay and that throwaway dick comment is the equivalent of, “I have gay friends”.

    • Gazzaq

      He is not Heterosexual it just gets him work and the punters interested lol !

  4. sejabemviado (@bottom_brazil)

    Well, Mr. Silvers, maybe people will take you more seriously when y’all porn ‘stars’ stop changing your tune about your sexuality every 2 minutes depending on the day / audience / circumstances. I see the victim card is still going strong with these bi-now-str8-tomorrow porn performers.

    • Gazzaq

      Well it pays the bills and the punters lap up and continue to fund his Gay Life Style 😀

  5. Gazzaq

    Well it pays the bills and the punters lap up and continue to fund his Gay Life Style 😀

  6. Alex W

    Can we not gloss over how intellectually deficient this guy is? He’s several IQ points short of a potato. His sexual orientation uncertainty is the least of his problems.

  7. Justin James Brewer

    Anyone who thinks men who work in gay porn are completely straight are ridiculous. People seek to forget bisexuality. People can identify how they want. But I have a hard time believing a man who gets fucked up the ass sucking dick for years is straight. If they want pussy go work in straight porn. Gay porn is a separate genre in porn industry. No one forces a man to work in gay porn he chooses to do so.

  8. Cherrystick

    Why do we even have to be reminded of this sexuality switching, weird ass douchebag? His words are cringy, he’s obviously starved for attention and he knows that making these statements will get him on blogs like this one. The more dumbass comments and actions, he makes, the more highlighted.

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