David Skylar “I was raped by the fucking ex president of the company (Stephan)…”

David Skylar is known for his work at Next Door Studios that started in 2019.

He just accused the now retired founder of Next Door Studios of rape.



  1. Pavel Ford

    WOW…………This guy just has to be in the middle of drama.
    Every few weeks he posts things to try and get people to respond or comment.
    To call him a Drama Queen would fall short.

    • IDK@yahoo.com

      No sympathy for trumpsters.

    • John

      I have no sympathy for trumpsters.

  2. Andy

    The far old white guy who owned Next Door Studios is a pervert. Do people honestly think the young models weren’t pressured to have sex with that fat old pig?

    • Gazzaq

      This sound like the Beef Cake Hunter Guy Vic but he is South American!

  3. alec

    Please, can he go away from social media? He’s ALWAYS the victim. Perhaps, here, we was..however, his lack of accountability in the past, and constant haranguing in his posts give this post little, if any, credence, sadly.

  4. Zii

    What happened to him if it’s true is horrible but the way he worded his twitter is very obnoxious. He’s offended from being called ugly playing the victim while doing the exact same to another person. “ Frankenstein face” that was not needed.

    • Ted

      Yeah it looks bad that he couldn’t even finish that sentence, let alone tweet without looking hypocritical on that… but at least he didn’t out who he was talking about.

  5. Alex

    I’ve heard the same things about Stefan when he ran the company. The other owners didn’t know what to do until they moved him off NDS and onto Active Duty full time (though not sure he’s there either anymore).

    So Corbin Fisher complaints, now NDS complaints… who’s next? We gonna hear again about the coke use and other drugs at Helix? Maybe that’s why Billy Quinn decided to quit?

  6. Chris Duran

    “And before everyone knew I was straight I was super popular. My presence in the gay porn world has exposed a lot of fucking shit when you get down to it. Disgusting deplorable shit.” – David Skylar

    David Skaylar is a jealous, hypocritical, narcissistic closed case. No, people turned on him when they found out that he’s deranged Trumpster. He also deleted a tweet that stated his “partner” broke his finger. He added a new tweet stating “female partner”. Anyone who witnessed his scene with Jimmy Fit would know that he’s not “straight”. No straight man would suck on another man’s asshole like that. I’ve seen a few of his scenes…and you can tell that he likes having sex with men. He tweeted that he almost bused right away fucking Daniel Evans. Take a look at his scenes with Scott Finn, Blain’O Connor, and Connor Blakely. Body language doesn’t lie. He wants to partake in these acts and get paid for it. He’s having a fit because he’s not the cream of the crop and NDS isn’t calling him anymore. He tweeted that he has a good paying gig and that he doesn’t need porn. He was practically begging men on Twitter to have sex with him for OnlyFans. He stated that he likes anal sex, but women don’t have a prostate and can’t enjoy it like men…

    • Chris Duran

      *Closet case. He’s a closed case in studio porn as well.

    • Bsg67

      The str8’s can keep his trump loving ass.

  7. Ted

    I got to be honest… how many of us expect even more? I mean it doesn’t make it any better at all, but I thought it was thought of as a very common thing that owners might rape the models or threaten to not feature them if they don’t “test the product” first. If that is a practice of the past then I’m glad.

    I don’t remember that many details on these models private lives, somewhere in my memory has David Skylar as a controversial G4P jerk… but I hope he wins on this issue.

    • Ted

      Edit: by “practice of the past then I’m glad” I mean “something that they no longer do now, then I’m glad”. I reread that and got totally confused, lol.

  8. Chris Duran

    “I’m gonna make it without porn, shits for low life’s with nothing else to fucking offer.” – David Skylar

    LOL, that’s why he went into porn…and got fired!

  9. HermanCee

    The Porn business is a low down and dirty business. Gay and straight. For whatever reason you entered it, you really can’t blame the industry. Look in the mirror first. You did this to yourself because you got hooked on drugs or you wanted an easy buck for a fuck.
    I know there are those who became hooked on drugs after they got into the Game. I’ve had friends in porn and I know their stories and what they told me about others in the business.
    For you who don’t like what a certain studio is offering don’t subscribe and then bitch. Many studios follow their own sexual proclivities and if you don’t like it move on. Don’t bitch at the owners. There are so many sites for you to enjoy but you rather complain about a site because that’s what we do. We complain.
    My gripe about these sites and QueerClick is that they continue to advertise a site that is obviously out of business yet they continue to take in new subscribers and fail to give us any new material. I suggest that all sites that have no new material combine under the banner of defunct sites and charge people who like certain models in a lump sum and the sites split the money equally. Or sell tokens, so you can choose a model and watch or maybe buy a download. There are many defunct sites out.

    • ericstrondheim8

      oh I see, so you are claiming that you are “superior” to the actors in porn because you just watch them? Please, that is ridiculously hypocritical. At least they are working for a living (yes, it is work). Many of you out there who think you are morally above them probably steal the material anyway. That makes you a Bunch of Thieves!

      • Gazzaq

        I agree we are not superior and most of these guys do great job of keeping us entertained, week in and week out!

        • Gazzaq

          ta for the typical negatives to my comments on here! So are you lot saying that we are superior and most of these guys dont do great job of keeping us entertained, week in and week out then?

      • HermanCee

        What are you fucking talking about? When someone uses that word “superior,” it seems you are talking about yourself.

  10. Mike

    (◔_◔) Here we go again, first Kane Hardy and now this. Send in the sock puppets!

  11. Reg

    I feel SO bad that I don’t know whether to believe him :-/ We’ve had conspiracy theories, what I’m assuming was crying wolf about suicide since he came back like nothing had happened and now a rape claim? It’s terrible if it happened…but did it?

    • Bsg67

      Boy who cried wolf

  12. Magnus

    I don’t care if he’s telling the truth or if he’s lying. He’s a disgusting attention-seeking MAGA who talks constant shit online. I’ll reserve any sympathy for someone who matters.

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