Collin Simpson “Just when I’m doing well and getting my life back together, she decides to divorce me. Gotta love it.”


  1. Andy

    I think guys called it on this message board that Collin Simpson marriage wouldn’t last. I am guessing the wife didn’t want to be married to a guy who works in gay porn. Now he wants a gay sugar daddy. Yet last year Collin Simpson called gay men the F word.

    • Gazzaq

      Well mate you do know these St8 Men in Gay Porn have no shame when needing our hard earn money to support and bail them out, and keep on telling us to fuck off and not to bother them at all other times, as after all we are lucky to have them in our lives aren’t we though!

    • IDK

      I mean, this wasn’t exacly hard to figure out at all.

      He didn’t even had enough competence to hold a good business relationship with the studios he worked with, or even with his gay audience without throwing a hug fit at the first sigh of a unsolicited dick pic.

      Did you really though he was marriage material? lol

      The most interesting thing in all of this is the fact that she was the one who dumped him, not the reverse. This alone says a lot.

      Let me guess: he probably threw a huge bitch fit at her in the moment the honeymoon period of their relationship was over and she decided to dump his ass before things ended up escalating into violence.

      If that was the case, then I can’t blame her.

      It’s a shame she only decided to dump him after getting pregnant from him though. I genuinely feel sorry for the kid.

    • John

      LOL @ Austin and Cade
      “this is 35: *insert a heavily photoshopped picture”

      • Chris Duran

        And a facelift, a brow lift, and fillers.

      • Reg

        Facetuning, FaceApp…I’d actually believe an AI generation, more than that being unfiltered.

      • The Porn Emperor

        Cade got veneers for his teeth a few years back, and they’re way too white.

  2. Bruiser

    Colin Simpson’s wife wants a divorcé. Ya could have knocked me over with feather!

  3. Gazzaq

    Ta for the Twitter updates some of which make interesting reading re the would of gay porn

    So Austin nah ta as I am not a twink! Aiden Ward that looks weird getting your old man done like that!
    Ricky Larkin that works up to point but life is too long for stress and am so pleased that Ruggero Freddi/Carlo Masi, won his civil suit against Sapienza University in Rome, Italy for wrongful termination as its bad that appearing in porn can limit your career choices after you leave the industry in my opinion!

    Pierce as they say ‘nobody at work is your friend’. Re Tegan Zane some interesting tweets, has he got mental health issues though and he was great performer. Colin Simpson begging for money that sad mate and his wife left him for being Gay Porn Star ? Derek Bolt well said mate re the Heteros in Gay Porn! And finally David Skyler enough said as the guy is a pure attention seeker.

    MOP looking forward to next weeks updates good night!

  4. Bruiser

    Colin Simpson is now posting PayPal acct # and a picture of him holding his newborn son saying

    “Well, I have no choice. I paid thousands of dollars to get in and just got kicked out because she’s a woman and currently had custody of my son. Not for long after her drug test! I need help getting a temporary place to stay, anything helps!” Is there any gay man foolish enough to believe this grifter? Sadly I’m sure there will be but using his infant child as a prop is beyond despicable. Hope the baby is placed in child protective services ASAP. cuz daddy is mentally unstable IMO.

    • Reg

      So, two drug addicts (according to him, because he’s already admitted being) get married and bring a child into that dog’s mess?

      I’m sure someone will fall for it, but I also imagine they’ll never hear from him again, or wish that they hadn’t. He strikes me as someone who once he’s suck his teeth into you, will never let go.

      • Bruiser

        When it comes to child support payments Colin will be hearing from the sheriff for the next 18 years.

    • Bsg67

      poor kid is all I’m thinking, that and always some sad queen who will fund him

      • Reg

        You kinda have to hope that social services and child protection services pay attention to these guys’ Twitters.

        At best, they’re going to end up scarred for life and just as messed-up and at worst…

  5. IDK

    It seems like our little friend Collin Simpson is in a bit of a pinch, eh?

    One thing that these last few years have demonstrated is that ex-GH performers are very quick to push the “sugar daddy help me” button when things come to shove.

    It feels like it was yesterday when Sean Costin also tried to pull this shit.

    • Reg

      Yeah, Sean went HARD for it:

      • Mac2nite

        And Sean Costin still is!!! He moaned about nobody wanting to be his sugar daddy as recently as last week! He will not let it go!

      • Bsg67

        how did that work out,his demands and conditions were hilarious

        • Reg

          Someone will have paid him. I’m sure it’ll have been a bitter regret, but some people have more money than sense and honestly believe that it will be different with them. You only have to look at what Sean Tweets to see that he’s aggressive and bitter. I know that being a sex worker is a job, but there’s anger fuelling Sean.

          • Reg

            I actually hadn’t realized, but he’s STILL looking for a sugar daddy, as recently as a week ago!

            I have so many messages of people drooling over me yet no one wants to be a sugar daddy or sponsor me.. strange
            Sean Costin @sean_costin4u · Mar 6

            And he still identifies as strictly straight, right?

  6. Ariel Anatole

    Really the story hear is GayHoopla giving up on gay porn. No more new sex scenes. Just solos and their straight content. Another studio run by straight boys bites the dust 💸

  7. pornlover

    Are we sure that is the real Tegan Zayne? I feel like someone just took his @ handle.

  8. Rockhard288

    Derek Bolt is so correct. Hit it on the nail.

    Speaking of, David Skylar whining that people are talking ill of him because of his orientation. Victim mentality and he absolutely doesn’t deserve it.

    Collin man the red flags and warning signs were there but you insist on living that hetero fantasy. Wonder where he goes from here. This chick he’s been on and off and involved since his late Gayhoopla days. Will he finally find himself and figure out himself and be comfortable with his bisexuality? We’ll see.

  9. Reg

    Hang on…Geordie Jackson is back, after his Channel 5 and newspaper ranting?

    And Collin…who saw that coming? “I’m straight, married, a father, don’t send me dick pics, I’m not gay, not bi, I hate porn, I hate you…” and now he wants a sugar daddy? I can’t say as I understand the marriage in the first place, because he’s mentally ill and a self-admitted drug addict. I’d be curious to know the reason for a divorce…I’m guessing he was working on finding a sugar daddy long before she filed, that he’s back on the roids and or domestic violence?

    And as for David…

    • IDK

      It’s pretty clear that Collin was after a sugar daddy even before his marriage completely went to shit.

      Just look at the timeline: he touched on the topic one day before announcing his now ex-wife breaking up with him, which says a lot about his priorities.

      This whole marriage was a sham, clear and simple.

      He used her and his newborn child as a way to assert superiority from “the gays” he detest so much, even though anyone with a functioning pair of eyes and basic social skills could see he wasn’t father material.

      Now is too late for him to turn back on that.

      I predict very bitter rants about child support in the near future.

      • Reg

        Bitter rants about child support, visitation, restraining orders…brace yourself, because the shit is about to hit the fan. Oh, but I’m sure another girlfriend and probably a baby will be along before the year is out.

  10. Chris Duran

    I bet that David Skylar found the blogs himself. He’s too full of himself not to google his stage name. He’s too much of a sissy to confront the people on the blogs, and he blocks people on his Twitter. He went into gay porn because he’s a closet case. You can tell that he loves rimming and fucking a man’s ass. I dislike him because he’s entitled and narcissistic. He implied in his rant that gay men are not real men. He seems to think that “straight” men (something he’s not) are real men. He’s full of internalized homophobia. He’s a radicalized, right-wing nut. He wanted to be famous and win awards when he first started. Why would you want validation in a job that you “hate”? Why was he so jealous of the more popular performers (very catty)? Why is he still on SM using his gay porn stage name? I’m glad that this lowlife was fired and blackballed in the industry.

  11. Res1

    I will never forget how Ace Rockwood abruptly abandoned gay porn back in 2014 to become a straight pornstar under the stage name John Johnson manned on his own site only to realize his love of dick was too strong a few years later, and now he’s guzzling dick like it’s nobody’s business. I told you guys most black men in porn genuinely identify as gay or bisexual compared to their white cohorts, but it wasn’t met well.

    • Andy

      When is Ace Rockwood or whatever this guy alias is going to take a dick up the ass? To his credit he even getting straight black male porn stars to suck his dick on camera. One of his hottest videos is a biracial man getting his massive cock sucked by Ace Rockwood.

  12. Edie

    OMG David Skylar…who gives a shift. Straight from the butthole. lol

  13. DeanD

    Hopefully Collin will return to studio porn! He was a good performer!

    • Reg

      Maybe when he first started and was the “boy next door”…but not after the roids and ranting.

      I don’t think any studio would touch him with a bargepole today, but can you image? For the studio, he’d be a nightmare to work with and the state of him at the moment? He wouldn’t look good on camera. I think that’s another reason he’s looking for an off-camera sugar daddy and not studio work.

  14. Magnus

    It used to be begging for money for hospital bills. Or maybe rehab if they were really lo-rent ho’s. But on what planet does anyone think it’s okay to ask someone to be their sugar daddy to get money for a new TV and truck tires? That’s the lowest level of self aware trash I’ve ever seen.

  15. The Porn Emperor

    Collin Simpson seems like he should be from rural Louisiana. What’s his actual background?

  16. Roman

    Update. Collin is currently in jail now for breaking the restraining to stay away from his ex wife and kid. His mom his currently letting people know that he’s jail through his twitter account. The ex wife is in rehab and his son is in his mother’s custody.

    • Reg

      It’s the son I feel sorriest for, he’s getting the most awful start in life it’s possible to…but his mom has access to her own son’s gay porn Twitter account? What do you reckon…is she using it to keep his fans in the loop and loyal, or to condemn him? “Support my son!” or hate the stalking deadbeat dead :-/

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