I only know of Henrik Sommer’s work at Tim Tales, who filmed in Germany in the past.

Henrik tweeted today that he will never film for the studio that made him popular. They made him stand on the streets of Berlin at night since he was not provided a place to sleep.
Henrik has been sharing his life on Twitter for days now. His followers are now worried about his mental health.

I probably wouldn’t let that guy stay over, either.
This guy is obviously going through something and you’re the dick who would fuck him and then say “pack your things, I have other things to do.”
Btw, take a class in grammar. The comma after the word “over” is unnecessary.
I completely agree with what you said, but just want to point out that although it might be unnecessary, it’s still completely correct to use a comma before either as an adverb at the end of a sentence. The meaning just becomes more emphatic.
Thank you! With that being said, it just makes the comment more harsh.
He has no obligation to accommodate a mentally ill person with “aggression”, “bad thoughts” and generally bizarre behavior.
Why hire him if he’s unstable? My bad. So the studio makes money off someone who needs help.
You’re wrong. I would NEVER fuck him.
How about your Grammar Skills in German? I wouldn’t lean out of that window- unless you prove the opposite using his native tongue.
Me too.
God this man is handsome and troubled..it is a shame
I think it’s a valid question for Tim: why was he not provided a place to sleep? Just because somebody might have issues, doesn’t mean he’s lying. Is Tim really the “good guy” he portrays on screen? Inquiring minds want to know.
and just to add: is this how they treat their bottoms over there? With all the big dicks, that site would be nothing without them. If a woman was treated like this and just thrown in the street, we would be up in arms!
He’s worked for them on several occasions, so out of all those films, One time they didn’t put him up? That’s odd, unless he did something to the last room they rented him.
and what sort of proof do you have for that totally unfounded accusation?
What accusation? Where is the accusation? Can you comprehend someone questioning why out of all the times he’s worked for Tim, he didn’t get acccomedations and offered why someone would possiblya studio wouldn’t want to provide him with a room.
An accusation would be “Person A did this and this and I heard did this and that’s why …”I did no such thing in my OP.
Tim Kruger is not good guy! As he like all of the other porn producers in the industry, is just there to make money, gain fame and recruit and fuck the boys for their asses for pleasure. Or in Tim’s case over aggressive pleasure. Its a business after all!
What are you talking about?
The “Good Guy” he appears to be onscreen??? Are you serious, Within the first minute of a video he has his dick out and in someone’s mouth. Does that make him a Good Guy? What fucking nonsense is that? I love how every guy that has a big dick and gets you hard is a Good Guy. That is until he isn’t because people find out something they don’t like about them. this one pronstar is making a an accusation in an almost uncomprehensible post and it’s a fact and somehow you and others think they deserve an answer from Tim.
I feel sorry for Henrik, he has a lot of work to do and a lot of healing.
Btw, if this was about a woman you wouldn’t care less because it wouldn’t be posted on this blog. No one was knows if this is true and no one else has made any accusations similar to this.
Thought it was gonna be about LE
Twitter as an outlet for mental illness and “help” coming from the people who follow your porn persona…
It’s a cry for help and it’s not possible that he’s going to get any this way.
This truly brings me to tears. He’s going through so many inner demons and mental health issues. He’s a sweet guy you can tell and you can see that using Twitter is somewhat an outlet but it’s also a cry for help. If this account of being left stranded is accurate then that damn site needs to answer some fucking questions. Someone yell and yell Mr. floppy cock that he’s got some explaining to do asap.
As for Henrik, I’m glad his longtime fans and friends are a source for him to get things off his chest and at least he sees that someone cares for him. I’m one of them. This is when sexual desires go out the window and love for your fellow man takes center stage.
I find him attractive… He like nasty kinda bottom… If he has his own demon better he take of that first… Mental health is one of dangerous illness… Hope he’s not afraid to seek help… If like he said twitter is his diary keep on writing… Sometimes if you scare or shy to tell your problem you can write it… It one of therapy for mental illness… But if he want to post it on twitter maybe my suggestion is to block comments section… Sometimes people in twitter kinda inconsiderate on people feeling…
It’s kind of interesting, there was a time where gay folks would rally behind someone who was troubled. They would friend him, help him, care foor him until he could stand on his own. Now, it appears that folks look at him as a piece of ass with a pretty face. SHAME ON YOU! This guy has a platform and he’s using it a way to let folks know he’s going through something. I hope someone close to where he is reaches out and makes sure he’s okay, help him if he needs help, give him hug and let him know he’s gonna be okay – that what we’re supposed to do!
Maybe it should be you since you’re so busy judging everyone else.
BTW— take a class in spelling. It’s spelled “care for him,” not “care foor him.” 🙂
Judging? Riiiiiight!!! YOU – without a life, posted the first comment.
Oh, just so you know, my spelling of the word “riiiiight” in this context is correct.
Actually, you spelled “right” two different ways, but whatever, man. Keep on clucking your tongue at all the people who aren’t helping this guy while you freak out over internet comments.
Henrik as I stated before in my earlier posts on here, is in the midst of a serious mental health crisis and need professional help, to deal with this. I knew this was the case over a year ago when his tweets and behaviour were becoming more and more erratic. I just hope he gets the help that he needs. Mental Health is not to laughed at or mocked in any way as it can affect any of us at the anytime in our lives! I am sorry to see this is happening to Henrik who was a pretty decent performer.
So wait if you have a regular threesome and are the bottom they have to provide you accommodations, I always ended up on the street and went home after taking it.