Jake Preston now has 4 scenes as the top at Men and 1 at Twink Pop.

Up next for Jake at Men this March 27 is his scene as the bottom to Braxton Cruz.

The scene is part of the Slopes & Sex series that included Malik Delgaty, who could have also topped Jake.

If my fave tops bottom, fine, ok, ur choice. I just dont bother to watch unless they finish as the top then ill watch. I dont begrudge a top bottoming, but so many “open minded” morons who INSIST tops bottom or they trash talk them. Its silly. Just accept tops may not want to bottom and its ok.
What you do in your personal life is your choice, I don’t begrudge you that. But don’t come into porn with that mindset, you’re an actor and you should be as versatile as one, if you can’t then maybe porn isn’t for you, which is ok.
Anyone can go into porn w w/e mindset they want. And if they attain enuf clout to direct how they want their career to be (verse, bottom, top, w/e) then so be it.
Gay pornstars are tops, bottoms, vers. I’m a bottom. I don’t whine about people who are vers or bottom just because I like tops.
gosh i can’t wait i hope he screamsss he acts like such a little bitch on twitter
his bf is a superstar in the making tho so so hot
Not bad at all and his is a pretty decent versatile performer is Jake Preston!