Back in November 2022, Tom Faulk was released from prison after serving 4 years of his 7-year sentence.
Unfortunately, he was back in prison a few days later “although I had no part in the “why”, I am going back to the big house. Damn. I didn’t even make it 7 days out of prison.”

After four months, he was released from prison.
- He plans to got back to adult porn.
- He now has a work in production & marketing.
Tom [movies] started gay porn in 2011 at College Dudes.

Majority of his scenes were released by Men & Next Door Studios.

I was late to the Tom Faulk party but once i discovered him i was hooked on his porn. Now too many tatts. Ugggh!
As long as he is taking dick as before then I’m here for his return!
Hope he does well. Tats like his aren’t my thing but I hope he does well.
I wonder if he got anymore tattoos in those four months :-/
I’m not sure I can watch an hour of his livestreaming, but does he say why he went back to prison?
And gay porn? I never actually knew whether he was gay, bi, gay4pay, gay4thestay, etc.
One of the other porn actors who went to prison (either Cliff Jensen oe Aspen) is a close friend of Tom’s, and made a post when it happened. They said Tom was in a halfway house and some of the other residents found out he did gay porn. He got into a fight, which is a violation of probation/parole, so…he went back. Not sure if it is true, but it sticks in my mind
Who exactly are the people in the “tatt brigade” on here? Are you actually the same person? It’s just a bit weird that you constantly focus on that particular issue. No judgments, just strange.
I dont understand the issue with Tattoos to be fair they are here to stay, and no amount of moaning is gonna change that is it?
What allot you want in unblemished guys in gay porn and is that in not gonna happen!
I was a big Tom Faulk fan. Ever since 2011 and till his imprisonment. One of my favorite scenes was watching him get his fluffy ass fucked by Seth Santoro on a massage table for NDS.
I’m curious to whether or not he kept up the ass game. That dude’s ass was really scrumptious but with the prison time and obvious muscle gains, sometimes that juicy ass kind of goes bye-bye.
He had that boy next door appeal during his first stint in porn but that’s obviously gone so I wonder will his popularity be as intense as previous. The tats on the face kind of kills it for me but it’s going to be interesting to see how his comeback goes. Seems like his post on Twitter got a decent amount of praise.
I think it’s all going to come down to who he works with. Will it be a studio, an OnlyFans, either his or a guest star on someone else’s, etc. He’s worked with Duck Face, MEN, Next Door and some of the grottier porn sites, so I’m not sure if he’s going to be welcomed back to any of them with open arms, or if he’s going to try and do things himself.
Wish him well hope he’s bad days are behind him and wishing him well
Give him six months tops.
What, before he’s back in prison?
I liked this guy in his prime
We all grow up and Toms made some mistakes and has paid for them by going to prison . If he comes back and makes it in porn then good luck to him I say!
Best of luck to him. I don’t expect his porn career to be what it once was.