Mitch Matthews was arrested last April for allegedly trying to have sex with children in Kansas City (tip @ Dee)

From Kake.comA spokesperson for the sheriff’s office said deputies worked with Homeland Security Investigations to set up a sting, during which three men traveled to Clay County to meet with whom they believed to be children ranging in ages from 10 to 14.

From Sheriff Clay CountyFrom April 26 to 30, three men traveled to Clay County to meet with whom they believed to be children ranging in ages from 10 to 14. They had chatted online previously with the “children,” (really Clay County Sheriff’s Office and HSI-KC investigators) or with adults who were purportedly offering the children for sex (also under-cover Sheriff’s Office and HSI-KC investigators). Deputies arrested the men shortly after their arrival.”

Mitch Matthews filmed for Chaos Men, Guys In Sweatpants, Treasure Island Media and Cocky Boys.


  1. Chris Duran

    Adults that prey on children are the lowest common denominator. Their compulsion was so strong that they traveled to meet in a hotel room to rape minors. That’s disturbing. Mitch Matthews should definitely be blacklisted in the industry.

    • Bangle

      “Mitch Matthews should definitely be blacklisted in the industry”
      It should happen, but doubt it will happen. Look at what happened with Sebastian Young, he fucked his toddler daughter and gave her an STD, but still got work. Lowest of the low.

      • Chris Duran

        Most studios are too lenient. I can overlook a misdemeanor (petty thief, drug possession) if I like a performer, but nothing like this. A lot of performers had drug and alcohol problems. I can’t look past crimes like murder, any kind of violence, anything involving children, animal abuse.

        • HermanCee

          Trump Syndrome.

      • Dom50

        Sebastian was also killed by law enforcement. Some people are blacklisted in other ways.

      • blue77

        Sebastian Young was cleared FYI.

  2. Jackson

    Jonah Wheeler and Joel Someone are good friends with Mitch Matthews and I wonder how they feel about this. They haven’t commented on social media. Mitch deactivated his Twitter and RentMe n profiles.

  3. Cherrystick

    This is absolutely grotesque. To think that he’s taking a mugshot for such a horrific crime and he’s got a slight thou so dumb ass look on his face. I was preyed on as a young boy and it was a horrible scenario and did some damage on my trust and my life. It’s been over 20 years and I’ve done a lot of work. I have no tolerance for these sick ass perverted men.

    I doubt that this idiot will be able to make his way back into porn if these allegations are valid. This crime has serious consequences. Glad they were able to stop him and the other three musky-teers before they truly cause harm to these kids.

    • Cherrystick

      Wait I just realized that he went for the youngest aged potential victim out of all three of them. The other two are charged for 14 years and under. This dude went for 12 years and under. I mean damn that’s messed up.

  4. NovaStar

    This is another example of why gay porn is pure shit in 2023. They allow ANYONE to be in it. Doesn’t matter if the man is a murderer, rapist, child molester or any other criminal, just have a big ass &/or a big dick and you’re good to go and it should not be like this at all. It speaks to how corrupt the leaders/producers of all of these studios are. That’s also the part that helps make OnlyFans even more terrible because it’s all self made and I’m sure the people of OF don’t check these peoples background either. That dude, if it is true, needs to be several levels under the jail. This is gross & disgusting.

  5. Zach

    Sean Cody hired Dennis (known as Dennis West on Men) knowing he had done something similar so while this should get him blacklisted, I won’t hold my breath that it will.
    Here’s hoping he goes to prison for a long time.

    • Brad

      omg I really had no idea about Dennis West! I really liked the guy a lot, I thought he was one of the few non-criminals.

    • JR

      Thats a different Dennis West. Should probably check your facts before you post things that aren’t true.

      • Reg

        No, it’s definitely that Dennis West: Attempted Sexual Assault on a Minor

        Denz even made a post about it eight years ago:

        I couldn’t believe when MEN started working with him. Well, I actually could believe anything of MEN and Bromo…

  6. john

    This is very sad & disturbing .However , no matter how it’s presented, The Adult Entertainment industry is a corrupt one ( apparently its origins in America are linked to the mafia.) and there are probably lots of people involved in it that are up to nefarious activities like this . That is NOT to say everyone who works in the industry is corrupt or morally bankrupt . I think many of the models particularly are actually victims of abuse & exploitation. The industry is like its big cousin ” Hollywood ” which is all based on lies, smoke & mirrors & more lies , The porn companies use unethical tactics to get people into the industry. I regularly interact with performers on onlyfans and when i ask about scenes they have filmed or whatever they typically don’t even remember the scenes or the people that they filmed with. They seem to want to distance themselves from it. The demand for more porn is greater than ever so recruiting people with sketchy pasts etc will be over looked as long as the physical attributes/ personality are there..
    Yes i watch it ( and sadly I have an addiction to it ) but i know in my heart that this industry is not good for anyone thats involved in it including consumers which makes me a hypocrite i guess.
    Stories like this & countless others and the stuff we don’t know serves me as a reminder to me of how tragic this all really is ..

  7. Fikri

    Is it boys or is it girls???

  8. Jeff

    I would still totally let him fuck me

    • Tom

      No hesitation Jeff, me too!!

  9. David

    I used to like to watch Mitch Matthews movies but no more. Anybody who commits crime such as this is scum. His best bet is to get solitary confinement because if he is put in a cell with somebody else he will be dead.

    • Jackson

      He is out of jail and attended an eclipse viewing.

      • Denz

        Thank you for sharing the information.

        I made a post about it

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