Two upcoming scenes for Kane Fox.
Kane’s second scene at Trans Angels with Amanda Riley is up next.

Next week, it will be his scene with Joey Mills at Men.

Kane Fox has been in a relationship with Trevor Harris since they started at Helix Studios.

For me personally, it’s not a miracle or a surprise because I already knew it would come one day. He has already announced it several times and also describes his sexuality in this way. I’ve said before that he should (or has already done) shoot for WNB or Biphoria!
But since I’m not a fan of Kane anyway or watch his gay scenes, I don’t care who he actually fucks now. He should do what he wants. And if he has a boyfriend, together they have to deal with whether Kane is honest with him or not. Thats it is true when you starting a relationship with a bi man.
Maybe his boyfriend is also interested in women so they can lick and fuck women together for work, private, or their studio work, just like Dillon and his “husband” Jake have been doing for years!
Good luck in your “queer” career, Kane.
If i’m not mistaken, trevor (kane’s bf) has fucked a girl in 2020 on his OF…
Edit: in 2021. not 2020.
Another individual I have no idea who he is until I read about him on here unfortunately!
He’s not attractive to me at all
Sucks when someone you were a fan of goes and does work that is just beneath them & gross. Even his scene with MEN is gonna be trash cause he’a with the human hole that forgot he has a dick named Joey Mills. This is just a vicious cycle of “hell no” right here.
Don’t forget these are MEN (Mindgeek). This straight/queer agenda wants to slowly advance its transformation process on its “gay” side bit by bit. That’s why they’re only looking for performers who are willing to do anything (whether you’re a gay/bi/straight performer or whatever you are) to keep the subscribers who are currently being fed bi/ftm scenes maybe even make you happy with heterosexual scenes and trans scenes together on their MEN page at some point. There’s a plan, a pattern, and it’s not looking good for gay subscribers. At least at MEN/Mindgeek.
I don’t know what is more suprising: that there are effeminate bisexuals or what some bisexual has a boyfriend- I thought all bisexual guys are muscular narcissts with pretty face who like men because they give better blowjobs but fell in love and date women.
The PC brigade may not appreciate me saying this, and I say this as a lifelong liberal, but most ‘bisexual’ men are simply sex and porn addicts. Anyone can ‘go bi’ if they have a sex addiction, have the right psychological make up, and are open to it. Charlie Sheen, a well-known straight man, developed ‘bi’ tastes and is unquestionably hypersexual and a porn addict. You can look up his divorce papers for proof. Many men in the porn industry today, both in gay and straight porn, fall into this category to some degree, especially the ones who are/were meth heads because it chemically induces hypersexuality and encourages excessive sex drive/masturbation etc. Meth heads famously get into weird shit sexually because of this effect.
The reason the ‘straight-acting’ bi man is more common is because the pool of straight men who are hypersexual and develop sex/porn addictions vastly outnumber the men in the gay population with this same problem, despite the fact that gay men are probably more hypersexual on a per capita basis, according to research. This means the ratios will always be skewed toward a plurality of ‘bi guys’ being ‘straight acting’ and ‘heteroromantic’.
Are there genuine bisexuals? Probably, Kane Fox might be one of them, but in my experience, it’s almost always rooted in narrowly focused fetishes that are acquired later in life via sex/porn addictions, particularly when it comes to males.
Too much sex and porn can induce desensitization, hyper reactivity to sexual cues, and novelty seeking behavior in males and can ultimately produce significant shifts in sexual tastes overtime, especially when masturbatory conditioning is involved, regardless of what their starting point sexual orientation is.
Many thanks, Doctor, for dealing with it and enlightening us. I found the paragraph with the text particularly interesting: “Too much sex and porn can induce desensitization, hyper reactivity to sexual cues, and novelty seeking behavior in males and can ultimately produce significant shifts in sexual tastes overtime”.
That means in their hint that they mean that every gay (i.e. men) is like that or becomes like that if he consumes porn or works in this industry. So, so to speak, a hidden “justification” for why conversion therapy works for men (especially for gays). So either I’m wrong or it just sounds like it. If you didn’t mean it that way then I apologize, but since I assume that you did anyway don’t admit (because all the hidden homophobes here in this blog do) I’d better apologize in advance. So I can’t say “Dr. call a “conversion therapist”?
There is only one thing I think they could be right about: there are many more men with a strong sexual drive and want SEX (hypersexuality). But for me, these men in the gay porn industry are the ones who are G4P and not bi. A lot of people here confuse that. Just because you conceptualize a strong sexual urge to fuck anything doesn’t mean you’re bi, queer, or crossover. This is plain and simple sex for money!
Your entire written text sounds like a justification, permission or explanation for conversion therapy!
I am also of the opinion that there are many of us men (regardless of whether they are straight or gay) who are hypersexual and have a strong urge to have sex or to consume sex.
I mostly call these men G4P because they can or want to have sex because their urges are so strong and they don’t care if they fuck and can still make money doing it. But that doesn’t make these men bisexual.
Nor does a gay man change his “taste” or seek novelty when consuming or jerking off to porn. This is bad theoretical belief.
“This is bad theoretical belief”
No, it’s just a politically inconvenient one for you.