Hacked?: Clark Delgaty “Lgptq is scam and I love trump and Andrew Tate, Elon musk wants to fuck my child and I’m not gay, every gay man is a faggot like niggers #banme” (UPDATE: Hacked!)

A tweet from Clark Delgaty 27 minutes ago.

Clark is known for his scenes as the top at Men.


The one who took Clark’s accounts (including his Only Fans) gave a reason why he or she did it.


  1. Chris Duran

    Another bigoted, gay-for-pay wackjob.

    • Bsg67

      Hacked or drunk tweeting?

  2. Akerus

    By the looks of it, he is DESPERATE for attention of any sort and will stoop as low as humanly possible in order to get it.

    Now, seriously, he must be profoundly stupid to write something like this when gay men are paying his bills (and can rapidly stop doing so), and he makes a living by sleeping with men… Or rather, pretending that he does so, because his scenes have always been insanely boring. 🙄 It’s rather funny to see a whore go all moralistic and start condemning the very people who feed him – especially because no one is forcing him to do this and he could easily get another job.

    If his account has been “hacked”, which I doubt, we will know about it soon enough. But in all likelihood he just wants to be noticed at any cost, and is doing the easiest, tackiest and most obnoxious thing there is, in order to achieve that goal: drum up controversy and outrage as many people as possible.

    What a pathetic loser. 🤢

    • NoMoGay4Pay

      Anyone who reads that and think it actually came from him abd not a hack is pretty goddam stupid! SMFH

  3. NovaStar

    I always knew Clark was trash but he went above and beyond the call of duty to confirm it. Studios need to stop working with his racist & bigoted asses but they won’t cause they’re trash.

    Fuck Clark Delgaty & fuck any studio that continues to work with this piece of shit

  4. logogay

    And again one of those impotent canadian G4P lame ass guys shows how contemptuous they find gay people. It’s always the same. But what I find even worse and more disgusting than these G4P wimps are “Agendas” like Mindgeek or MEN that hire such assholes and give them a platform. Or people who adore these idiots or are even in love with them here on this blog. Absolutely incomprehensible. Everyone should be ashamed. But with gays, and especially in gay porn, they can always fool everyone. That’s the way the shit goes on and on and on….

  5. KillTheKarma

    The worst thing he is actually gay-for-pay and not bisexual…he cant even cum lol.
    Plus he is fugly af and proof that some gays will jo to literally anything as long as its white and has muscles.

    • Gazzaq

      Sadly mate your 100% correct re the last bit!

  6. Sauron

    The fact he used “lpgtq” and not “lgbtq”…he shat on everyone but bisexuals. Some homophobes have a mentality that gay sex is acceptable as long as you dont fall in love, also like women and are masc.

    • NoMoGay4Pay

      I can’t believe I’m defending him, but since you seem too dumb to not know a hack job when you see it, then here I am. That was obviously not him writing that.

  7. Original sin

    He may not be gay but he isnt straight either…which str8 guy would fuck guys for the world 2 see for 1000$ ? I wouldnt fuck a guy for less than 100 000$ on camera and I am gay lol. Too much effort and suicade for future jobs.

  8. Reg

    I spy a publicity stunt. He might have done it himself, MEN/BROMO might have done it for him, but there’s no way this was just a hacker.

    Clark hasn’t…I was about to say “lived up to Malik”, but Malik is one of the lousiest performers out there, but Clark doesn’t get the same amount of work. I actually thought he’d retired!

    This stunt will get him noticed, give him attention, get him more work, etc. It’s a cheap trick, but there’s absolutely nothing about him to take notice of.

  9. Reg

    Clark hasn’t posted “himself” since May, he charges FIFTY FUCKING BUCKS A MONTH for his OF and he isn’t blue ticked on Twitter. The Tweet hasn’t even got a viral reaction. No one’s paying attention to him, which is probably why he’s done this himself.

    • G

      Then how tf he has 100k followers?! He bought it?

      • Reg

        Very probably. I don’t have the interest to look through his follower list for dummy accounts, but it doesn’t add up.

  10. Babalu

    Stop hiring G4P with mental fragility. This is new level of self hatred. Nick Fit was right. I only support GAY performers. Sorry..not sorry.

  11. Mo

    never watched this piece of garbage in action. best decision.

  12. jOhn

    he deleted his OF too.
    Never support g4p straight models.

  13. Bangle

    He’s a twat, but he almost makes one point I agree with. LGBTQ is a scam, or LGPTQ as he puts it. Identity politics have not relation to sexual preference and should be separated.

  14. Akerus

    @Denz, according to Malik Delgaty, Clark’s account has been hacked 😂😂😂 He has posted it on his Twitter profile.

    • KillTheKarma

      Attention whore he is

    • Denz

      Thank you!

      I updated the post.

  15. Gazzaq

    Attention Whore!

    Just the other 3 with the drug over dose story a few weeks ago!

  16. HermanCee

    It’s the fentanyl and steroids talking. Get better soon dear, but not in Gay porn. Any site owners or producers who use his services are like minded.

  17. McM.

    He. Did. Not. Get. Hacked.

    Assholes claim that when they reveal who they really are and then have to deal with the consequences. The text convo? It’s bullshit. They can easily script it from two phones/accounts, take a screenshot, and post it because people are stupid enough to believe it. Malik Degaty is trash for taking part in this.

  18. Hazim

    This is why I don’t trust g4p or an allies

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