Travis Stevens’ mullet hairstyle first appeared in his scene with his real-life boyfriend at Cocky Boys last month.

He is again the latest update at Cocky Boys with his scene with Eric Rey.

You’ll keep seeing that mullet on him [tweet]. Mostly gay porn.
Travis Stevens’ mullet hairstyle first appeared in his scene with his real-life boyfriend at Cocky Boys last month.
He is again the latest update at Cocky Boys with his scene with Eric Rey.
You’ll keep seeing that mullet on him [tweet].
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It’s hilarious how a supposedly secure and confident person cares about what random nobodies think about his hairstyle on a porn blog.
Yes! The number one sign a person doesn’t care about something is when they feel the need to enunciate about how they don’t care about something!
That’s just some bad logic. You can not care and still comment on the fact that other people do seem to care, which they shouldn’t since it’s his body and his choice.
What’s hilarious is people like you who just want to tear other people down so that you feel good. Please, try to be better.
No, it’s not bad logic: wasting time of your day to adress what random nameless people you don’t know, nor will ever meet IRL, say or don’t say about you is diametrically opposed to “not caring’.
This is just a way social media people use to try to act superior while not actually acting the part.
Also, “people like you”? lol
I’m not the type to comment about the appearance of performers on this blog (even though I think it’s perfectly aceptable for people to do so, as that’s what porn is mostly about), so please, at least care to know about who you’re talking to before you engage into “meaningless moralising” mode.
You’re not going to get a cookie for playing white knight for a person who probably doesn’t known you even exist nor care about you.
few porn actors are as confident, as one might suspect they are
Mullet or not. It’s your body. As long as your ‘mullet’ didn’t directly annoy or harm you or other people, or affect the health (mental or physical) and performances of you or other people, you have the freedom to keep it. If people still find it ‘annoying’ and mocked you for it, just ignore then! FYI, you can’t please everyone.
I’ve never understood why people put down other people on porn blogs because of their looks. Porn in particular is a product of creating a fantasy of sexual fetishes that are all about sex, regardless of the branch of porn. Why would I complain about an actor’s or actress’ looks in porn when it’s all about one thing: sex or sexual performance?
I don’t think it has anything to do with the fact that there are many hypocritical whores in the gay community who are only fixated on other people’s looks, or just because there are enough men and women who are totally reduced to body cult and Look. It’s in every facet of sexuality. Especially in straight porn! So when consuming porn, it’s better to just criticize porn, the performance, the homophobia, the negative changes we’re dealing with in gay porn right now because of the straight or queer agenda. Instead of insulting each other over a hairstyle on blogs.
For example, I also know other gay blogs (or those that call themselves) where, especially in one of them (whose name I don’t pronounce), the same hypocritical ass whores complain about the Corbin Fisher Studio, for example about the appearance of actors or they do worst insults because they don’t want to see them in porn because of the looks. Instead of complaining about Pussy or other homophobic studios or actors, for example, it’s always the same: individual actors are bullied out because of their looks or their bodies and only put down. I just don’t understand why the operators of this blog don’t intervene or have intervened and block such people. Criticizing porn versus just insulting Actors on such specific blogs is a huge difference. Especially on the anonymous web!
And by the way I think you’re sexy and beautiful Travis Stevens! You look hot Personally, your mohawk hairstyle really turns me on. I want babies from you…fill me up….
Porn (or any appearance-based industry) is the wrong choice if you don’t like people commenting on or openly judging your appearance.
Any public person should be aware of this, but some people don’t seem to understand this little fact.
By directly addressing said comments, they’re only giving power to such people and ultimately achieving nothing.
I like Trevor’s mullet very 80’s lol. and the man’s got fit tight bod and is versatile which is bonus!
Would I wear a mullet (again)? Absolutely not. Do I care about some porn guy wearing a mullet? Why would I? I’m here to see the guys having sex, and, frankly, Trevor usually puts on a pretty good show. Other than providing a good handle for a hot face-fucking, the mullet really doesn’t factor in regarding the quality of the show. You wanna wear a mullet, go right on! Thanks for letting us watch!
Always liked the mullet. Gives you a good scruff of hair to grab hold of and…….
Mullet is not hot, but he isn’t my type anyways so it’s just making the pot worse for me…