Steve Hardy of Jawked is Steve G in straight porn for sites like Adult Prime. [h/t @ Jktooo]

Jaxton Wheeler [movies], who first had scenes in 2011 for sites like Chaos Men (as Valentino), was recently live at Chaturbate [room].

No change of name for Callum Dean (Jawked, Helix Studios, Staxus, and Adult Prime) as the latest addition this week at Fresh Men. He is also the latest update at Czech Hunter (2nd time), and he does live cam shows at Flirt 4 Free [room].

Wait, wait, wait. Hold the fuck up! Are you telling me there’s a Czech guy in gay porn that has NOT changed his name five times?
If I didn’t see the screenshots I’d have called you a filthy liar.
Steve G has been in Tgirl porn scenes as I commented a couple days past. He didnt interact w tgirl (Kittala) so if he ever decided he would wantto interact w other side (trans gay vibe) that woulda been the time to experiment but he doesnt, she never even sucks his cock and he has no interest in her according to what i saw. Theyre very chaotic scenes though cuz its usually one tgirl and one str8 girl and the 5 or so str8 guys who usually never touch or interact w tgirl. The guy is hot tho.
Correction: trans gay Bi
Correction 2: theres usually 2 or 3 str8 guys in those tgirl scenes who dont touch or interact w tgirl. Thats at and the guys who usually fuck the tgirl are the fkn hot willy regal, pimpal bill and Toni Bill (whom I woulda never guessed would fuck a tgirl).
Obviously you did not watch the scene you referenced. Steve did let the trans suck his dick. The trans also jerked him off while Pimpal Bill (aka Ivan Kolos) fucked the trans from behind. Steve also face fuck the trans. Again, did you watch the scene? In a different scene the trans licked the cum off his cock head.
Callum Dean is a gorgeous mostly top guy. Luv his stuff.
Steve Hardy : Next. It’s obvious that he’s already in the straight porn, so no interest for me.
Jaxton wheeler : hmm……..
Callum Dean : Orientation says Bi-curious.. wtf is that?!! Just say you’re bisexual or gay then. No need to blur the fucking line… lolll
What the fuck happened to Wheeler? He used to be a sexy hunk. Now he’s revolting. In the amount of time it took to grow that gross chin-pelt, couldn’t someone have suggested “hey buddy, you okay? You look like you’ve been eating lead paint chips.”
I understand not accepting the new look of our faves or ones we see as attractive. But i think hes still hot w his new look. Would not throw him out of my bed unless he was violent which hes not
That’s reasonable. As they say, there’s a lid for every pot. He was incredibly sexy and one of my favorite performers. Whatever he’s trying to communicate with this current look is not appealing IMO. I’ll give an A+ for creativity, because he’s still a stud underneath all that crazy mess, and because none of it appears to be permanent.
IMO these enormous beards are not appealing, and his is better kept than a lot I’ve seen. Do str8 women find them appealing? Seems unlikely…
Wheeler has ALOT of mental issues he needs to deal with.. his social media is off the rails, and the basic theme is he knows he’s a shitty person, but it’s not his fault, it’s everyone else’s.
He lives in Vegas.
The prosecution rests your honor
To the first two, one of whom was present at the voting, I can only say: hahahahaaaaa + LOLOLOLOLOL
Callum Dean is a hot twink, has at least delivered some good (G4P?) scenes.
And since Russia is posting its obnoxious anti-laws and LGBT disgust, as if they don’t exist, I’m not surprised that a performer of the same nationality exhibits so much LGBT disgust on a straight side of a straight porn agenda. We don’t know what’s more disgusting, the actor himself, or the sites that want to sell him as “the straight macho” of all “gay dreams”. LOL
Jaxton Wheeler interested in women, men, trans, couples?
By the way he looks like shit
Hilarious that he still working in porn to be fair, I still remember his debut on Chaosmen!
Anyone else notice that on his Chaturbate profile it says he’s living in Columbia now??
Lots of chaturbate models check all 4 of the “interested in” boxes (like Jaxton did), probably in an attempt to maximize the number of people who will tip them.
Yeah, I remember when Quentin Gainz on chaturbate also had checked all the boxes but then he replied somewhere on twitter he doesn’t mess around with couples because its too much drama and some claimed he was transphobic.