Not accepting new members:

No more updates for Reno Gold, according to the owner of the porn site.

Due to Reno Gold’s decision to focus exclusively on his OnlyFans, is no longer accepting new members from this week going forward.

If I am not mistaken, the site will soon re-direct to Top Fan Vids.


  1. Gazzaq


    Aint he a boring over rated baiter?

    Now the pandemics is over and the fans are seeing through his ad the other mediocre over posy nonsense, these guys are starting to lose their grip, alongside the Shabazz Fella, having all over dominated the gay porn industry over the last 3 years!


  2. hiro_shi

    Reno Gold… *sigh (already tired)

    • Holu_sa

      For real, it’s always the same shit, jerk off, dildo, some time sucking but nothing more, but there are always dumb people who still continue to pay

  3. PC

    Get fucked or get of the stage and take your peachy assed boyfriend with you! I came upon this guys stuff only recently, but there is absolutely nothing there to keep you interested for mote than 10 minutes.

  4. Rockhard288

    I don’t get it. Wouldn’t it be better to have your own site rather than OnlyFans? OnlyFans takes a big chunk of your money. It’s really a glorified brand website host.

  5. logogay

    So many beautiful people, beautiful bodies (gay?) for a complete waste of time and money. They could have made something so big out of it during the pandemic. A pity and boring.
    But someone people must have left money there somehow. LOL

  6. McM.

    “Due to Reno Gold’s decision to focus exclusively on his OnlyFans,”

    That’s a weird way of writing “Due to Daddy, Inc’s lack of foresight to contractually obligate Reno Gold to appear in/produce media for his eponymous site,”. It’s their own fault the site is going under and they’ve lost money. The wording to make this his fault is disengenuous.

    A corporate entity trademarked “Reno Gold”. Provided it is not his actual name, the corporation can limit or prevent use of the stage name on his OF, social networks, media, etc. If he had any sense Reno should buy it outright so he doesn’t get sued or forced into a licensing agreement.

  7. ConnorB

    He looks like a 14 year old trying to look to look like a “big boy” grown up.

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