I’m loving this! 🤣🤣🤣
Roman Todd is dishing out advice about not taking strange substances? Well, honey, you ought to have followed your own advice before you almost died… Maybe you will learn something from this experience, but I strongly doubt it. 🙄
Oh my, Cliff Jensen is such a martyr! He has stood against the evil, pug-faced overlord Ricky Larkin and is losing work because, obviously, Ricky Larkin RULES the gay porn industry! We need to demand that The Vatican canonizes him at once, because he is A SAINT. 😂
So, how are things exactly falling into place for Collin Simpson? Has he found a new dealer or is there a sugar daddy senile enough to financially support him in exchange for… Well, nothing? Anyway, we’re all eagerly awaiting the next chapter in the Colin-Hoe Saga.
Jake Waters and Dillon Diaz need to shut up already. Everyone knows that Dillon is a bisexual hypocrite who lies about being gay while promoting conversion therapy, and Jake is firmly under the thumb of his “husband”. I find it funny that they’d get angry whenever someone tells them the truth – aren’t they supposed to be too “enlightened” to give a damn about gay men’s opinions? They’re rather thin-skinned for two individuals who claim to be above other people’s limitations. 😏
Nate Grimes… Why has he posted that? WHY?!?!! Sorry, but the prolapsed anus look isn’t pretty at all.
Jason Collins’ tattoos are as unsettling as they are repugnant. Also, why would he spend all that money on tattooing his body, but none at all on fixing the horrible acne scars all over his face? 🤮 It’s one of (his) life’s great mysteries… Or maybe it’s a sign of his lack of common sense?
I really want to believe that all these posts that Denz makes filled with straight / bisexual-oriented content is his way of also showing how stupid and intrinsically homophobic he thinks all these people are. But I’m starting to have my doubts, because, my gosh. Almost every post on this blog is filled with straight & bisexual people spewing homophobic crap and then one or two posts about gay people being openly and proudly gay. I really don’t want to believe that Denz is that self-loathing to spend hours and hours of his day looking for these kinds of news in lieu of so many other things that he could be posting / writing about. If that’s the case, it’s borderline pathological at this point.
Let me examplify what I mean. I’m looking at MOP’s homepage and there are 10 posts. Only 2 of these posts are about gay people, and about gay porn and gay porn only. All the other posts are about straight people doing gay-for-pay, bisexual people being in straight relationships, performers who have only done solos and still fear being referenced to as gay, and the list goes on. I mean, come on now, you’re a gay man who runs a blog where your audience is primarily and mostly gay men, and only 20% of your content is about people and things who are in keeping with who you are as a person. That’s a disgrace, really.
Denz is only adding the sort of content that brings the most clicks and garners the most attention/generates reader engagement. We all love to hate G4P, S4P and bisexual liars who lead extremely messy lives and feel that they have a right to preach to us, but then get their knickers in a twist whenever someone challenges their falsehoods. That is all.
Personally, I find this section extremely funny and the key is to take it with lots of humour, cattiness and do what we gay men do best: be deliciously witty in our put downs and comebacks.
There isn’t any need to get angry – just enjoy these posts for the little bit of fun they are and thank Denz for the fact that we can all say whatever we want, and enjoy the diversity of opinions – which is something that many blogs do not allow at all.
This I agree with, as LPSG/QMN et all all of these blogs moderate the comments to hell and gives warmings at the bequest of their puritan members.
At least on here you can say mostly what you want and I just skip past a lot of the stuff if it does not interest me to be fair!
Have you considered that that is the state of the industry at the moment?
I appreciate knowing more about these people: even of it’s showing them in a less fabourable light.
These people saying and doing these things is not Deniz’s fault: he’s sharing it with us.
I’m still trying to figure out how the fuck Dillon won an award for anything gay when he fucks more women than anything else. His gay porn scenes are not in the slightest memorable. Yes he’s married to a man but that doesn’t mean he gets immunity from criticism and that he’s not going to be looped as part of the bisexual spectrum. His husband Jake and him perform with females a lot and so gay men are going to give them the side eye and flack. If you want the praise, it’s gonna come with criticisms too.
These guys are starting to feel the heat because for the first time in recent years, homosexual men are speaking up and showing their outrage and concerns about being phased out in the so called “gay” adult industry. Our realm and tastes are being put to the back burner and queer porn is all the mainstream. It’s not fair and we’ve had enough. We’ve got guys who’ve claimed gay for years now spreading pussy open and going to town and then still have the audacity to say they’re gay when that’s just not the case.
Jake makes the stupid claim that we hear from all these guys. It’s porn and it’s acting. If our agents call, we act and respond. Well look fools I’m here to tell you that you could always say NO. Just because you’re offered, that doesn’t mean that you’re forced to take the parts. Get the fuck out of here with that. You’re taking the parts cause you wanna fuck women. You’re not simulating sex like an acting role, you’re full blown having oral and penetrative sex. I for one hope they continue to get questioned and criticized. Especially since they want to call someone out themselves.
Nice one CS I could not have out that better myself and Dillion and Jake you work in porn you aint special. Seriously oh the outrage and drama if someone say something those twos don’t agree with Jeez. And that goes for most of the individuals who work in the porn industry who have the most outrageous egos ever. You fuck a living please get over yourselves yeah for goodness sake!
The life of a soulless whore is difficult, isn’t Dillon and Jake?
They’ll do anything for a buck and act surprised when they don’t get respect.
Nicely put Jay mate!
As for this round up of tweets, I can understand why some of the commentators are fed up.
Out of 14 of these men who were highlighted, 12 of them are known for their frolicking with women.
Including one who said that he gets sick of gross cocks and balls and that he’s sick of f-slurs. One who said that gays are close minded for not wanting to have sex with pussy. A same-sex couple whose slogan should be “a couple that fucks females together, stays together”. A dude who feels the need to tell us he’s str8 despite telling us why he goes gay 24/7 and two buddies who are the best of bros that released a scene barebacking each other.
If you got exhausted reading this or following along, then you get why we’re exhausted with these guys and their constant chaotic presence. These are the so called in demand men of “gay” porn.
The spat between Cliff and Ricky doesn’t surprise me. Ricky seems to make enemies on a daily basis, but if he did indeed supply Roman with illegal (potentially fatal) substances, I hope he gets what’s coming to him. Mind you, I equally loathe all three of these guys. That doesn’t change the morality of the situation.
Collin Simpson “Everything is falling into place, finally”. Is that so? Were you able to reserve yourself a room at Patton as a permanent resident? I do believe you’re in the Henrik Sommer / David Skylar wing?
Dillion Diaz – Poser! Zero respect for you, dude. You’re disappointing.
Nate Grimes – That’s fucking nasty! You’re gross AF!
Angel Rivera – I never liked you from the jump. Surprisingly, it has nothing to do with the fact that you’ve gone full blown poonhound. You reek of psychopath and serial killer vibes. Not sure why I pick up on that, but you’re seriously bad energy. I kind of wish you’d have some deluded revelation like many other adult performers that have come to the conclusion that you’re really straight and make a swift exit out of gay porn. You can take a seat next to Dante Colle.
Ricky Larkin sounds like a bad guy. So many models have complained about him on twitter. So why do guys still fuck with this man? Roman Todd is a gorgeous man who clearly has demons. I hope this is his wake up call? The drug issues in gay porn a serious problem. Nate Grimes needs to see a doctor ASAP!! That gape is not good. Isn’t he worried he might need a colostomy bag? I don’t understand why some gay men into fisting?
I’m just about done with this website. Between the women, the trans, and the straight-ish performers it’s very tiring. Denz is making conscious decisions to take the advertisers money even though his readers have made it abundantly clear we’re not interested. He’s either greedy or just an asshole. Maybe both?
Hey that totally out of order pal.
Yes the content can challenging but dont call the blog owner an asshole as that bang out of order mate!
Greedy it is.
Ok that may be true but please remember Denz is running business. To be honest though, these self important nobodies bore me stupid within the industry and have done for bloody ages, its as a result of the pandemic and the lack of talent and the rise of OF/JFF sadly!
Miss the days before social media when we had no idea what Jeff Stryker’s politics ,family life or drug issues were. All we needed to know was he had a big dick.
“Denz” is a straight woman. Makes sense she posts as much straight porn as possible!
Dillon Diaz and Jack Waters: two self-absorbed, narcissistic and snooty bi-guys who only do porn to supposedly make money (although they love to lick and fuck pussy), are married to each other (personally I don’t give a damn about that shit because it’s anyway is just a fake marriage) and together with other actors (like the unspeakably terrible Derek Kage, who also fits into this velogenic gay scene as a clown) constantly taunting gays that we are trolls and haters because there are people who just don’t exist want to understand why you always insist on wearing the gay label or hanging out in the gay community and at events even though you are not gay at all, just g4p. These constant insults and outbursts of anger towards your gay fans or the gay community will not get you anywhere Mrs. Jake, Mr. Dillon and Mr. Derek.
Derek Kage recently said that we gays are just trolls with a very boring view of sex and sexuality and that our insecurity is the biggest thing about it. That says it all about this narcissistic, conversion therapist and fake gay man. Just making money at the expense of homosexuals and fooling them all the time and continuing to send his “I’m only a queer allstar for money” nonsense to gays, which none of us cares about. Derek Kage is one of the worst actors in gay porn for me (humanly speaking) at the moment. totally out of place, very conceited and on a mission to convince gays that we should all be open minded, tolerant of pussy and eat and fuck them.
Angel Rivera is a g4p guy who also only makes gay content to make a living and not to express his sexuality. I’ve always found him boring, defiant and superfluous.
Kane Fox if you also want to add to that league of all the snotty fake gays / bi guys I talked about above then you need to eat and fuck more pussy in the future, that means shooting straight, bi, and FTM/trans content, then you also belong to the “League of Conversion Therapists”. I think you will anyway, WNB, Biphoria and others have been waiting for you for a long time.
And to everything else: I don’t give a shit, I’ve already said enough about it!
Angel is def. not gay for pay. He loves dick far too much. Why are gay men so biphobic? I feel like it speaks to your internalized self-hatred that makes you feel like you’re losing something if a bisexual man sleeps with the opposite sex. He enjoys sex with both. That is called bisexuality. What’s wrong with that?
The problem is a lot of these men pretend to be gay.
Lots of gay men aren’t attracted to bi men, so it always feels like a bit of a slap in the face and can be quite triggering.
Angel’s bisexuality has nothing to do with it as much as his behavior and negativity towards gays. He’s made numerous and unwarranted statements in the past about gay men. He belittles our sexual behaviors and at the same time participates in them himself for coins and clout.
Every time gay men have a beef with the stupidity that comes out of the mouths of these guys, the first thing people who are die hard fans or fellow aligned folks want to scream out is biphobic/transphobic. To be phobic of something or someone means that you’re fearful of that person or their trait. No one’s fearful of Angel, we’re just sick of his bullshit.
Angel is still a thing, so many performers better then Angel to feature on here tbh. That homophobic bi guy does not need to be featured on here.
Ah mate well bloody said and why do the fan of these guys insist on shouting in their favor and they could not give two shits about them. Its so sad and desperate really!
I am not a fan of Angel’s at all. I don’t watch any of his movies, but it is obvious that he likes men compared to a whole lot of straight men who are dialing it in like the likes of Kenzo Alvarez. Let’s be honest, some queer men say and do things for shock value. Many of them are well aware that straight men eat first in the gay porn industry. I mean, a report came out last year that said gay-for-pay was the most viewed genre of porn. They know they’re at the bottom…so what do they do? They say stupid shit for attention. However, you can you tell who is and who isn’t gay and/or bi by how they perform. Everybody can see that Angel got a thing for poles both ways. You guys try to act like bisexuality doesn’t exist and the man who shamed Dillon Diaz is proof of that and then some guy accuses him of being in a fake gay marriage like come on!
You defend bi and g4p people and actors who say shit about us gay, so i say shit about those people too. You’re one of those people who defend everything but gay. You have no understanding and no foresight of the things that are happening with gays, especially in the USA. So I don’t care if you’re too cowardly to address me directly and act like you’re the most enlightened person here with the only true open manner and sexuality.
True That!
Actually, I don’t really care if these bi performers like it or if they love having sex with men. But when performers (and unfortunately Angel is one of them) like Derek Kage, Dillon Diaz and others together in social networks against gay fans who rush gay community or gays in general and all those who push their heterosexual way to the fore and emphasize it again and again , or say they only shoot for cash and they only care about the money (which Angel also said and which is also legitimate), then for me a limit has been crossed and I no longer support such actors or studios or platforms financially. Because there is a huge difference for me if a performer shoots gay porn (regardless of whether he is bi, straight or homo) and then he behaves like assholes towards the community on social media and tells them to lick or fuck all cunts because otherwise they should have a “boring” view of sexuality. You don’t have to support such people and I don’t feel comfortable watching such gay scenes of them either. Just like people like you who accuse me of internalized self-hatred because I’m gay and just don’t accept it when people like that want to “twist” me in terms of my sexuality, my body or my gay soul. What people like you and these actors are doing is conversion therapy of the worst “modern” kind of today. As simple as that.
Sorry for the caps, but I had to get my point across.
So that means you’re not gay am I right? Otherwise you wouldn’t react like this. And as for the subscribers who subscribe to these G4P performers and studios, I’ve always pointed out that I don’t understand the behavior and make fun of it.
I think you’re just being personally attacked by me for attacking you.
But it’s ok, keep taking your pills and your CAPITAL LETTERS.
Res1, I’m sorry, but that just isn’t true. Performers like Wade Wolfgar gained significant followings long before they ever screwed pussy. Josh Moore has a large following on OF and to my knowledge he has never screwed pussy (I could be wrong).
There is a belief that if they ‘go bi’ it will increase their popularity but many already had large followings.
It’s being done out of greed and for political reasons. The backlash is deserved.
Excuse me? Bisexual men have always looked down on gay men, especially effeminate gay men. It’s not about biphobia, it’s about speaking the truth. Before accusing gays of biphobia, first ask gays how they have been treated by bisexuals. Go educate yourself!
“G4P” doesn’t exist- it’s a fairytale for self-loathing old generation gay(homo) men.
Unironically I don’t know any bi guy who would believe g4p nonsense since they can easily relate to those guys.
Blah blah blah….. also one of those convert therapists of the modern kind who want us gays to support all bi or straight people who want us to prescribe or say that we should accept, lick and fuck cunts! Because otherwise people like me or others who defend our sexuality are just haters, intolerant, stupid or unopen-minded people. Clearly…..
So…did Cliff knowingly lie about Roman being DEAD?
“Everything is falling into place” a new baby mamma, Collin?
Made the who thing was staged to gain load of attention. Al 3 are desperate for attention drama queen and its so sad and predictable!
I meant to say Mate not Made lol!
I’m a terrible person because my thoughts are very dark on the whole Roman Todd situation. Can’t say I would have cared either way. I know… I’m terrible.
Your not mate! Cant stand the bloke!
I have to be honest. I stopped visiting this blog as much as I used to and I stopped commenting a lot, especially on the weekly Tweet threads because I feel like the author is intentionally being messy by posting things that he knows annoy us. However, I’ve noticed that many of these so-called gay blogs, Twitter pages, and Instagram pages center themselves around straight men and controversy. And as a mature person, low-brow tactics do not appeal to me. That’s what I call child’s play.
I call this a revelation by the performers and studios of how they really feel about the gay porn industry and gays in general and just an eye opening for us gays. Otherwise not……
That beady eyed Adam Mcquade troll believes that almost all guys in gay porn are straight and is trolling their twitter accounts for over 10 years. I don’t know what’s more pathetic- that he believes straight guys are doing gay porn or that he wasted 10 years on twitter arguing nothing like that “Gay4Gayporn2018” guy.
And you are a modern conversion therapist who follows gays on social blogs or here and makes homophobic statements about them because you can’t accept that we are against bi, straight, guys who just talk shit about us and straight or bi content on let go of what we don’t need or want.
Grimes… I almost vomited and turned straight after looking at this shit. This is what years of fisting do.
I am only for tight, shaved, pretty hole not this
Roman Todd was stupid enough to believe the terrible villain Ricky Larkin. Completely irresponsible and reckless, I believe he should be investigated for attempted murder.
Dillon Diaz: I agree with whoever typed that he is a hypocrite bisexual. Unglamorous, untalented, with that silly husband who supports everything about him without question. There are people who have a vocation to be a doormat.
Cliff Jensen is 34???
I thought he was in his early 40s
Looking at these tweets is another reminder of how bad gay porn is in 2023. We’ve allowed any old nook & cranny bitch up in this joint and the quality is sinking because of it. The nightmare never ends does it.
Forget those first 3 drama queens and they have made this all up and it boring next!
Plus the next 2
Colin Simpson make me laugh another drama queen who just cannot stay away from the all inclusive gay porn industry.
Scott Finn I have said it already whatever!
Tony Genius And What!
Ah pint size Leo Grand his scene with Austin Wilde is fav of mine and I aint even into twinks!
For as much as Elliott Fin hates the gay porn business, he sure loves running his yapper about.
And Nate Grimes…my eyes will never recover from that.
Nate Grimes that’s one blown out hole mate and it aint a good look buddy!
“…the one time I took a pill it killed me.”
Right, “the one time.” Crushing and snorting a random pill that was given to you in an airport bathroom before boarding a flight shows the level of nervous restraint of a novice drug user.
Fuck off Jensen. Stop involving yourself in this. Find another way to create Twitter content.
Nate Grimes – How does this guy get any film gigs? I didn’t think it was possible for this wet rat to be any less attractive. But he managed to do it.
Dillion Diaz – That was hilarious!
Mason Wyler doesn’t deserve to be lumped together with those in this pile.