Nano Maso, who has always been the top in his scenes, is known for his work at Tim Tales.

Nano has decided to retire from adult work for financial stability and mental health. Mostly gay porn.
Nano Maso, who has always been the top in his scenes, is known for his work at Tim Tales.
Nano has decided to retire from adult work for financial stability and mental health.
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🙁 Éxitos bro. Au revoir que tengas prosperidad en tu nueva faceta.
If they notice that for some “psychic” reason (your own sexual identity, instability, malaise, g4p, Family Problems, and and and……) they can’t stably survive in adult content, it’s best to pull the plug beforehand they go completely crazy, which we can see in gay porn with many bisexual, G4P porn stars currently or in the past. Many are now still shooting (David Skylar, Collin Simpson, Cliff Jensen, Derek Kage, Davin Strong, Clark Delgaty, Dillon and his “Husband” Jack, and many others) even though they are not doing well mentally. These performers are a liability to the porn business and more importantly to themselves or others. Unfortunately, the industry looks the other way and continues to produce with such performers and subscribers continue to consume it. I wish Nano all the best, he made the right decision for himself although I will miss him. He was good at fucking and consistent (in his scenes). All the best……
I understand why you have problem with [actual] gay-for-pay performers since no matter how much they or director will try it they give asexual, lackluster, boring performance plus they suggest that they are greedy hoes who would fuck their grandpa corpse if the money was right….
But what is your problem with bisexual guys in gay porn? They are very sexually into guys, they are enthusiastic cock suckers and bottoms (Trent Diesel, Quentin Gainz, Alexander Gustavo), they have no problem staying rock hard and cum, rim, make out with their male partners…. Just because most of them don’t want to date a guy and have girlfriend and kids… it doesn’t matter.
As long as guy is hot and is into guys sexually he is fine in my book.
“They are very sexually into guys,….” uhm, have you ever heard about ‘acting’ in front of camera? Even in porn, there are script to follow.
“Just because most of them don’t want to date a guy and have girlfriend an kids…” do you ever wonder why they don’t want to date a guy even when they’re admitting they’re bisexual??! So, gay4pay no?! Lol
“Gay4pay” doesn’t exist. Grow up and stop believing in fairytales.
Ofc, G4P exist. We call them ‘gay for pay’ because of the sole reason, they’re doing gay sex for money. Popular example: Roman Todd. Please, you’re the one that needs a wake up.
I have a problem with bisexual performers who talking actually shit on the internet, especially about gays or when they have to “act” with men on camera. Or currently those bi’s who pretend to be gay, but then want to fuck everything (woman, FTM, trans, bi) to make it big as a “crossover star”, then sell it as “work” and never want to admit that and they would rather give Pussies stand (especially privately) as they finally stop lying to gays on platforms all the time or what I find even more shitty then insult or laugh at them. There’s enough of that at the moment (just see Denz’s weekly social media coverage). These people don’t deserve to have gay fans let alone make gay porn. Some people say the words “bi” or “gay” way too quickly without being “honest”.
Look at what Lane Rogers recently said about gays. They think we’re scared of bisexuality or that we think they’re not gay enough. No what we’ve seen is a consistent trend of bisexual men who use gay men as they’re quick sexual hookup aka scratch their itch and then go on these social media press releases about how much they love pussy or showcasing their girlfriends or wives.
These men like Lane just have such a nasty attitude towards gays that have no interest in them or the ones who call them out on their bullshit. They act as if we should just shut the hell up and accept whatever they sling.
Every aspect of our world as gay men have been deteriorated. Our men only clubs are now invaded. Our dating platforms are now changed. Our porn is now filled with bi scenes, bi innuendos or vaginas. It gets exhausting and now the ones who used the gay label and hid under that for so long are jumping head first into bi scenes and vaginas. It’s exhausting. Yeah I’m talking to the ones like Riley, Devin, Michael, Thyle and countless more.
So to guys like Lane, we’re not worried about you all, we’re just plainly sick of the shit some of you guys stir.
Like it or not but in reality bisexual guys vastly outnumber gay men for two reasons – bisexuality is a spectrum so all those guys who might prefer women but also like to mess around with guys fall into this category.
Second is evolutionary- homosexual men produce far fewer children than bisexual or straight men- and some research suggest that from survival standpoint its more beneficial to have some same sex desires instead of strictly opposite sex ones.
We observe it among all the other modern apes so why would homo sapiens be any different?
Maybe straight people are the biggest group due to social evolution but for sure there aren’t 90%- 60% at best maybe.
It is exactly like that
***My previous comment was directed to @Cherrystick, not to that quack @Kill….! If bi men outnumber them so much why not start your own space or let’s say Sites or Pages instead of just poaching gay porn and not trying to persuade gays to sleep with women? Because these are not bi men, only men who want to convert other sexualities!
Good for him and he getting out for the right reasons.
I wish Nano all the best in his life away from the soulless ‘all fur and no knickers’ world of the delusional Gay sorry I mean the all inclusive Porn Industry!
Good for him to retire when the job already started to be exhausting him inside out. I hope his mental health will be treated good. Wish him all the best.
Good luck and all the best for your future.
Mental health is important. This is a brave step for him to take. Kudos for him recognizing that he needs this and for actually following through. Wish him well.
I’m not a fan of anything & anyone on TimTales but I’m a fan of anyone who makes their Mental Health a top priority. The guy focused in the article left in the nick of time for his sake.