It was last June that he was introduced by Twink Top, with his scene as the top to Eddie Patrick.

His second scene at Twink Top is the latest update on the site that had him top D Dan.

On his fan site, he is versatile and films scenes with guys. Mostly gay porn.
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Well, I am a fan. He seems to really be into the gay sex, he is cute, nice body, nice ass/cock.
Needs to work for a better studio. I for one am tired of the 55 yr old man “uncle” or “step dad” raping the 21 yr old nephew or “son” scenario.
It’s also nice to see actors who dare to call themselves gay, to portray or to pronounce them without this “I’m gay, but 30% of the time I also fuck pussies”. . like others do that aktually now.(#Gaybaiting# )
I hope he also shoots for other studios if he gets contracts or feels like it.
Seems like a horny and talented guy.
I think guys use the Bi- because they are shame or afraid to be gay.
Maybe, but there currently are also many gays who don’t dare to be bisexual, feel more attracted to women, operate G4P and continue to lie to gays on the net, engage in gaybaiting or shoot hundreds of gay porn just to “prove” that they are “real” gay just because they don’t dare to tell their “fans” the truth or alienate them that they are anything but GAY (best example currently: Derek Kage!). Gay porn is also full of such people in the meantime.
Gay, handsome, tall (which doesn’t really matter), sexy and freaky. Well, well, well. Maybe there’s hope after all?!!