1. logogay

    Is the tall of interest here?
    The main thing is that the actors are bi and do it voluntarily with men. lol

    • RomeToad

      You have to accept that bi guys outnumber vastly gays and fit into porn standards- have you ever seen gay jock?

      • logogay

        If bisexuals are so numerically superior then why not set up their own studios, websites, platforms etc where they can fuck whatever they want instead of constantly “poaching” gay porn, gay sites, gay forums, gay blogs etc. and constantly annoying us? And there are gay athletes, whether men or women, who have come out, whether they are still active or not. So please stop deceiving people or spreading nonsense on the web. Also, my comment about Bel Ami was meant to be sarcastic, but not everyone with an IQ as low as you understands this here.

      • hiro_shi

        “You have to accept that bi guys outnumber vastly gays and fit into porn standards” -> that’s the reason why there’s a ‘change’ in gay porn studio nowadays where they slowly included ‘women’ or PiV sex to their lists.. because of these ‘bisexuals’ men won’t get enough if it’s just having sex with a man. To maintain it, the GAY studio started to include bisex scenes to their gay scenes. sure, in the end, it became a standard. Lol.

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