Nick Floyd, who loves to bottom, showed his flexibility with his scene with Dom King, who loves to top, at Cocky Boys. Mostly gay porn.
Nick Floyd, who loves to bottom, showed his flexibility with his scene with Dom King, who loves to top, at Cocky Boys.
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If you are very flexible as a bottom, you can have good sex in many positions. Only sometimes acrobatic scenes in porn are exaggerated and not for older men with joint problems.
There are gay men who want it both ways or not. Some people prefer to be at the top, others prefer to be at the bottom. I’m more for both because I think it makes you feel more connected during sex, you know how it feels. Personally, I’m more of an “ass queen”. And for me, rimming is more of a part of sex. It’s like French kisses, caressing, touching, blowjobs. That’s just part of it. Dom King openly said in an interview with Lucas Entertainment that he used to date women, had a girlfriend, lost his virginity to a woman, but then realized he was attracted to men. In any case, I find this much more honest and logical than, for example, tall tales from other actors like Derek Kage, who were or are like that but don’t admit it and live a lie. He lies to fans and gays and even makes fun with other actors about it and provokat it. I think that’s worse than someone just being up or down.
Can you stop talking about Derek Kage? Nobody cares about him. Let’s talk about all those bisexual men who lie and pretend to be straight despite loving mansex. But they are kinda thing of the past- since now most gay pornstars are gay.
Like Vadim black
I also don’t enjoy always using Derek Kage as a current example of how dishonest many bisexual actors and men in the industry are, but unfortunately he’s on everyone’s lips at the moment because he’s the perfect example of lying about his sexuality, her then making fun of them with other actors and mocking gay sex and calling it boring and monotonous just to justify fucking with vaginas. And then he is also hired by studios and is allowed to shoot gay porn where he tries to convince gays that he likes men. Bah really? What’s that supposed to mean? Is it normal in gay porn these days to talk shit about the gay community, gay sex or gay in general and then make money from gay porn and get paid by studios and people who watch it? So that means I decide to lie, talk shit about gay, and then shoot gay porn just for money where I try to do my “work” in front of the camera convincingly, only to then say everyone out there shut up and criticize not? What kind of age have we landed in? Gays are not allowed to criticize studios, actors or scenes and express their opinions in blogs without speaking up? No, that’s not how it works. And when it comes to guys who are bi or describe themselves as such, but then brag about being straight or alienate gays with homophobia, even though they like cocks, all I can say is: try to accept who you are and don’t use gays as trash cans or doormats! Deal with your confused sex life or just leave it alone. Because then many gays wouldn’t have such a bad image of bisexuality and would be able to understand you better. And as for Vadim: he’s not gay, he’s with a woman.
Dom King. I know it’s in the name, but it’s just like Papi Kocic…”I’ll fuck the guys, I’ll eat their asses, but I won’t get fucked and I won’t suck cock. It’s too GAY.”
I know that some people are vehement for strict tops, but I don’t think anyone is vehement about cock-sucking. You might be a top, you might be bi, you might even be G4P, but I say that a cock in the mouth is a prerequisite if you’re going to do gay porn.
I know gay men who would never suck a cock which is weird but it is what it is.
Also “gay-for-pay” doesn’t exist- there is no evidence for it and plenty of evidence to the contrary.
Str8 men don’t like to eat pussy which is bizzare and I’m gay AF
Some str8 men doh!
I disagree.
To simply say “g4p doesn’t exist” is to be reductionist: there are several people in the sex industry who can or are compelled to have sex with partners they’re not into for several reasons, be it clout, money or whatever.
We also need to remember that the use of “sexual enhancers” during shoots is a known thing.
This, however, doesn’t exclude the existence of closeted bi or gay men who identify as straight, which can also be for marketing reasons (as unfortunately, a substantial portion of gay porn consumers are still drawn to the “straight men having gay sex” fetish).
If I could high five & hug you I would! Lol It feels great to not be the only one who thinks that dick sucking and head swapping is a major part of gay porn. Cock sucking feels like something deposable in gay porn today and that’s extremely offensive to me as someone who love oral more than anal. Even viewers don’t view it as important and that baffles me but they do for some very strange reason. The films are so ass focused nowadays, it’s like the dick is easily forgotten, specifically the bottoms and that’s bullshit. That’s why it’s so easy for all this trans stuff to come and infiltrate gay porn like it has because they use that lie that genitals don’t matter but they do. Everyone doing gay porn should suck dick. I know there are those who don’t feel that way but i vehemently disagree with them. Its basic gay sex 101 & it needs to be a prerequisite to do it. Nowadays tops are getting their asses ate more & if they can have that done to them, they can suck the bottom’s dick too. Cock sucking is not just an act for bottoms to do, it’s for ALL gay/bi men to do, regardless of the position they chose to do.
As for Dom King, he is hit & miss when it comes to him sucking cock but in his defense, in the preview for this scene, he IS sucking Nick’s dick and I’m so happy to see that. I hope he keeps on doing that in future films
There’s people who believe without a hint of irony that sucking dick is a strict bottom thing, which is kind of bizarre.
In the Brazilian amateur gay porn scene there’s two performers who are strict tops but love to suck dick, them being Russo and Ferjinho. Both are frequently accused of being “closeted” bottoms in some circles due to being very passionate about dick sucking (and by passionate, I mean passionate).
Unfortunately, many still project straight sexual roles into gay men.
Does Papi Kocic even eat anyone’s ass? Everything I’ve seen, he will only lick the cheeks but not go into the hole. He’s probably too concerned with messing up his hair.
Dom needs to work on building up his ass at the gym. It’s flat and kind saggy with no real shape.
Mine is no peach either, but then again I don’t take my clothes off on camera. I have a real job.
Nick Floyd is gorgeous. Pure Star Quality.