From the Daily Mail “A former gay porn star was today ordered to pay more than £100,000 damages to an adult industry media tycoon after falsely accusing him of being a ‘rapist’ on Twitter.”

+ Tannor Reed accuses Dominic Ford of sexual assault.
+ Justin Stone “Dominic Ford is a rapist.”

The full verdict at
Shocker. Sex workers are the best people, you guys. Society has judged them all wrong.
sex workers are great people. why would you judge them as bad people? do you know any of them personally? or do you just think theyre bad people because of what they do, and you watch and maybe pay for – but that doesnt make you a bad person. to me, these porn stars are angels. i love those guys for doing what they do.
There are no best people in porn in general. There are good sex workers and there are bad sex workers. Both in terms of their “work” or their mental or physical health. There are also internalized homophobic, racist and narcissistic performers who are in all industries of sex work (like their bosses at the studios). It’s the dark, sad and actually unnecessary side of porn. There are so many other worse things happening in the world. But unfortunately that’s the case everywhere where there’s big money and power at stake. People and Respect usually count for nothing anymore. It’s a shame actually…
Mickey and Tannor should have come clean once they were notified that they were being sued for libel, but they were probably too arrogant and foolish to think that their behaviour would have any real consequences. Now, Mickey’s finances are in tatters and his life is possibly ruined – and it was all about a mere disagreement the effects of which he escalated by making false, and very grave, accusations. These two are stupid, petty and dishonest. I bet their parents are proud of them!
As for Justin, has shown himself to be a profoundly idiotic and weak individual who can be easily manipulated by anyone – even those two mental lightweights. However, his weakness has worked in his favour and as soon as he has seen that things were serious, he has backed down.
Oh well, as they say: too bad, so sad, nevermind. At least Dominic Ford has cleared his name.
Shame on them for lying on Dominic in the first place. They’re getting what they deserve
I’m no fan of Mickey Taylor, but this seems to me like someone used his greater wealth and power to abuse the legal system.
abuse the legal system? you mean by defending himself in court?
He was accused and, when he threatened the accusers with legal action, most of them stood down because they were frightened of repercussions and scared of him cutting off their careers. It reeks of “rich guy crushes criticism”.
Also notable that he choose to sue in the UK where he had a much better chance of winning than he would have in the US.
Mickey Taylor brought it on himself. Mind your own business. You can’t make allegations without evidence. People think they can write whatever they want. How the hell is he going to pay 100k? Big lesson do not talk shit about powerful people if you got no evidence.
Exactly. I hope he is ruined.
I’d hardly call him a powerful person
“More than £100,000”? Three times more in fact! Good luck in getting a penny of it.