The next batch of rookies from ASG Max will be introduced at the end of the month. It’s a threesome with Colton Strong, Michael Avenue, and Sumner Blayne.

Sumner already had scenes released by Sean Cody.

+ The first batch of rookies were Kam Stone, Jackson Bell, and Matty West.

If this threesome turns out to be as boring and monotonous as the previous one with Jackson, Kam and Matty, then ASG MAX will once again show what kind of company they are. In addition to absurd stories like MEN and femboys, women and FTM will soon be missing to fuck vaginas.
Then the transformation to a line with MG/Men and Gayhoopla/HGF/BGF is perfect.
Hot scenes for both, although I kinda wish Michael was less “straight”. He went from hot to very boring, kinda duchie and he said he came inside Colton but they never did show it. But Sumner and Colton HOT great performers!