Masked top: Zane and Luccas Toblerone

Zane with Shae Reynolds as his second twink fucked in the 5-part series of Twink Fucker at Men.

Luccas Toblerone with his fourth scene as the top at Tim Tales, with Andrea Novak as his bottom.


  1. logogay

    As I said before, for “G4P performers” who just want to make money, it is easier to hide behind a mask to hide their identity because they are ashamed of this type of porn in society. Many also come from families, areas or countries where homosexual acts are strictly forbidden or are viewed as unnatural. But there are also supposed to be people who like this kind of masquerade, as a fetish for example.

    • Beyonce

      Zane is bi

      • logogay

        I know when it comes to gay, people like you don’t care. When it comes to G4P, straight and bi, you’ll be first away.
        Just like you and everyone else who keeps writing to me and puts this in the foreground.

      • logogay

        Then you can be happy that Zane will fuck pussy at MEN/MG because you are definitely a subscriber and a fan of this site!

  2. NovaStar

    There is nothing hot about watching a guy fuck with a mask on. Even worse when he doesn’t do much with that damn thing on. Throw his hiding ass away

  3. McM.

    There are plenty of guys in the industry, and new talent that can be brought in, who fuck on camera without masks. Why studios hire performers who only work under the condition their faces are obscured is a mystery to me. They’re not bringing anything unique in terms of performances, bodies, or cock size.

  4. Deepgloat

    I have a sneaking suspicion most people don’t want to watch the Headless Horseman fuck when there are plenty of guys ready and willing to show their faces. This trend really needs to run its course and come to an end.

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