Poll: Charlie Musk, Alex Palmieri, Mack Mahoney, or Leandro Bravo? (December 2023)

The weekly poll winners for the month of December.

Week 1 – Charlie Musk of Fresh Men

Week 2 – Alex Palmieri of Naked Sword

Week 3 – Mack Mahoney of Randy Blue

Week 4 – Leandro Bravo of Lucas Entertainment

This poll is no longer accepting votes

Charlie Musk, Alex Palmieri, Mack Mahoney, or Leandro Bravo?
681 votes
Ends on 01/31/2024


  1. Francis

    Alex Palmieri looks a lot better to me in his fansite videos and in action that he does in these photos. I picked Leandro Bravo but they’re all cute boys.

  2. camillebe89

    First Alex Palmieri ***1/2 out of 5
    Second Leandro Bravo ***
    Third Mack Mahoney **1/2
    Charlie Musk **/12
    Scores based only on beauty/looks/sexyness

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