1. HermanCee

    I miss Bryan. Chaos Men has gone downhill.

    • NCBored

      It bears almost no resemblance to Bryan’s site! Nothing to set it apart from the other corporate owned sites!


    • Bucko

      Those who rated it 4* obviously didn’t experience what it was like when Bryan was at the helm: fresh, good looking seemingly approachable guys having man on man fun instead of the tired professional porn stars that appear today. Those amateurs were just the best and it’s a sad legacy that it’s a shadow of its former self.

  2. Jktooo

    Too much dick and hole, not enuf scene partner expressions.

  3. logogay

    I think people didn’t understand the voting in the same way that they never understand it when someone writes something here. LOL
    They ask what was CM like in 2023! Not like they used to be years ago!
    And yet they currently get 5 stars, even though they have sunk so low with their poor quality porn scenes and actors who can be seen actively working in all other areas of porn. This site, along with Gayhoopla, is one of the biggest disappointments and signs of the decline of American gay porn in recent years….

    • Stagnant Water

      I think you don’t understand that people might have an opionion different from yours… but seeing your comments, you’re just delusional

      • logogay

        Of course people have different opinions like me, just like I have different opinions. Like you probably do too. Nevertheless, people don’t understand the questions in these votes. That’s just how it is. Just like you were just waiting to not understand the sentence I wrote just to tell me I was delusional. You can’t even respond constructively to something. Which one of us is delusional now? I’m guessing you have Shizoprehnia…

        • NCBored

          Your opinion of the majority of people here seems to be as low as your opinion of American porn in general. Anyone who disagrees with your views & ideology is, according to you, an “old trash queen”, suffering from mental illness, or supporting some shadowy conspiracy to dilute the gay identity or force gays to “accept” non-gay content.

          I’ve never seen anyone trash the members here like you do.

          If people here “never understand it when someone writes something here”, perhaps the problem is with the writer not expressing himself as clearly or consistently as he thinks.

          • Stagnant Water

            Exactly! For him anyone who has an opinion different from his is wrong. Always criticizing, the whole world is against him… maybe the problem is in himself and not the whole world? But people like him will never be able to understand this and will be relegated to living unhappily for the rest of their miserable lives.

        • Stagnant Water

          And again you FAIL to understand that people might have a different opinion and they maybe really gave 5 star to Chaos Men because they actually like the 2023 production?
          But once again you demonstrate everyone how SMALL your thinking ability is and how tiny your brain capacity is.
          To you, anyone who has a different opinion than yours is wrong.
          This is delusional personality 101, showing who is really suffering of mental health, YOU.

  4. HKTOP

    I used to really enjoy Chaosmen during the Bryan days. I don’t even visit the web site anymore.it’s owned by a straight corporate company. Keep straight people out of gay porn!

    • Prina

      “Keep straight people out of gay porn!”
      The irony is that about 80 years ago there was a man saying to KEEP OUT jews, gays, gipsies and communists… that lead to ghettos and even worse after to concentration camps…

      • HKTOP

        That is a ridiculous comparison. I’m not suggesting straight people be sent to concentration camps, simply that they are not the best people to cater to the erotic, taste of gay people.

  5. Francis

    What this site is now isn’t what Chaos Men ever will truly be.

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