I can tune out the chick. I focus on my fave top PSs. Its easy for me to ignore the chick and enjoy who I like.
January 22, 2024,
Not my thing as I’m not bi but for those who are or can tune out the girl or even like seeing these guys in their natural habitat….cool. It’s another niche site of which there are many and plenty of guys who enjoy the bi scenes, but I think this site has the same issues Men in general does and their partner sites….fake cum, overplayed tropes, terrible acting, overchoreographed…just not stimulating.
Pavel Ford
January 22, 2024,
I will tell you why. It sucks.
January 22, 2024,
Also known as “where the budget of MEN.com scenes goes to”.
January 22, 2024,
For those who say they can “tune” out the girl when watching…. Um just watch actual gay porn. Just watch Men.com content. This site is the breeding ground for some of these porn guys to sleep with these women and still state that they’re “gay” and this is just a job. That is why I would rate this a one star and if I could a zero.
January 22, 2024,
Every time I read here or elsewhere: We are gay but we have no problem seeing it or it doesn’t bother us, don’t watch it, ignore the woman or fast forward the scene. I’m sorry, what? How can you ignore or magic away a sex scene in which the woman is taken by a man or her pussy is recorded frontally on camera? Especially with pure straight studios like SEE HIM FUCK or HGF? These straight sites are also seen by supposedly gay men just because they find the men there hot. What’s that supposed to mean? We live in 2024, not 1975 when gay porn could only be consumed in secret and was not as available as staightporn. Is this the new type of conversion therapy in America, converting gay porn to bi or straight porn in order to treat gays because this type of therapy is actually forbidden or what? Instead of these studios building their own sites to publish bi or queer porn, they always bother us gays with this kind of crap in our space or on our sites. That has to stop. It gets worse every year. And yet, even though you can see it here in this blog again that people don’t accept it or “supposedly” don’t want it, these agendas just carry on. MEN had published an alleged gay scene with Maverick Sun in which he had previously fucked a woman in the pussy and only later did gay sex occur. But that was classified under the name MEN not under WNB! So that’s how far this queer page from MG has come. So slowly, quietly and secretly, straight porn is moving into gay porn. But the people who subscribe to MEN are supposedly all gay anyway and the scenes are supposedly gay too. Especially their actors. LOL
Gay porn can hardly be more stupid, unnecessary or offensive than MEN.
January 23, 2024,
Mind-numbing to see gay cis men have a meltdown whenever queer media is not made specifically for them. There are bisexual people and they can enjoy bisexual porn and you can choose to consume porn from any of the 500+ other gay porn sites if MMF scenes aren’t your thing! You don’t have to ‘tune out’ the women. And it’s disingenuous to rate a bisexual site if you don’t like bisexual porn at all.
January 23, 2024,
You are exactly the type of person I always talk about. You see yourself and others as “victims” in gay porn! Why don’t you address the fact that you “bisexuals” can’t create your own space? Separate the websites (like biphoria or devil films) and do your own thing for bi’s. But no. There always has to be a site that shoots and publishes gay porn, there also have to be actors who “identify” as gay (even though they aren’t) in order to shoot with women, and above all, we gay Subscribers have to help finance your bi shit! First of all, remember that you are constantly badmouthing or portraying gays in their own spectrum before you see yourself as a VICTIM, you queer twister.
January 23, 2024,
You are commenting on a website called “Why Not Bi” and saying bisexuals should learn to ‘create their own space.’ THIS IS OUR OWN SPACE.
Just because some male porn stars for m/m scenes doesn’t mean you own them as people. It doesn’t mean they can only ever do m/m scenes. And featuring those actors doesn’t mean a website that is clearly maked as bisexual and only hosts bisexual content is a gay space. You’ve entered a clearly marked bisexual space to start screaming how bisexual peopel are invading gay spaces.
January 23, 2024,
Your answer is enough for me. You definitely don’t get it, you’re twisting the facts and continuing to portray yourself as a victim!
I said OWN space. OWN website with OWN link maybe at MEN, or from me like what Biphoria does. Namely, SEPARATE.
As I also wrote, what you don’t understand or don’t want to understand is that as a gay man and subscriber I don’t want to pay for this site directly, even if the money flow anyway to this lying Queer/BI/Straight/Pan/Fluid Agenda/Company…..
And what about the scene mentioned that was filmed with Maverick Sun under the banner as MEN Scene and gay when he fucked pussy beforehand. That was also its OWN space. Correct? You don’t say anything about that because you are also a twister of these hypocritical agenda types who only complain on gay porn blogs and appear to further stir up sentiment against gay porn.
January 23, 2024,
The problem is that our “gay” porn is ran by and performed by a rampant amount of bisexual men. They then go on to do work on these sites and they also have a constant narrative of telling us gay men what we should and should not like.
Furthermore, they have now made the narrative of telling us we’re small minded because we don’t open our sexuality up to other possibilities. They get to have input in our realm all the while telling us that if we don’t like it, ignore it and move on. Comments like yours mimic such. So excuse the hell out of us for once having the chance to input our opinions on bisexuals and their sites.
January 23, 2024,
This poll is not about how you feel about any particular porn star as a person. This is a poll about the quality of a porn on a bisexual site. If you don’t like bisexual porn of course you will not liek the porn on this site.
I’m not into watersports. If I saw a post asking me to rate a watersports site I wouldn’t click the article. I’d just keep on scrolling. Because of course I wouldn’t like that site. I’m not able to evaluate it objectively. That fact this is not your instinct is telling.
January 23, 2024,
Well, if WNB’s subscription numbers are anything to go by, most bi people simply aren’t interested into bi porn at all.
Also, going into a porn blog frequently majority by “gay cis men” to whine about “gay cis men” is a pretty lol-worthy move.
January 26, 2024,
The victimhood of people who claim to be queer/bi/straight/pan/fluid only to then invade gay or gay porn spaces to “force” their sexuality on us is disgusting and hypocritical. Create your own pages/rooms so you can live out all your fantasies. But it does not work. They definitely want to “change” gays!
Because we must always have the greatest understanding. We’re just not allowed to criticize.
January 23, 2024,
I like bisexual stuff so no problem
January 23, 2024,
Trevor Brooks recently deleted an old tweet saying he’s ‘very gay’. He’s tip toeing out of the closet.
All the ‘haters’ were right.
January 23, 2024,
I’m not surprised.
In this day and age, most performers self-declared sexual orientations are pretty much meaningless. They’ll fuck who they need to fuck in order to get social media clout and asspats, with leverage within big studios included of course.
What bothers me personally is how duplicitous this all is: some of them spend years and years building their image around being “super-ultra-dupper-gay” to the point of being obnoxious (they fuck men on-screen all the time, there’s no need for performative bullshit) only to go all “me wants to fuck pussy real bad” out of nowhere.
It’s almost like they’re social alpinists who are overcompensating… almost!
January 24, 2024,
The Drew Dixon special.
January 26, 2024,
What did Drew Dixon do? Did he suddenly became “bi”? Smh
January 26, 2024,
A few years back he went on a tweet frenzy and stated how gay he was and how much he loves men and penis. He even did a piece for weird ass Davey Wavey’s porn channel about how he was bullied and lived in the closet for so long etc…. He even stated how he would never sleep with a woman.
Fast forward about six months later and he did a porn film for an extremely lame conversion therapy fantasy obsessed director called “The Affiars of Lidya” where he not only engaged in a bisexual orgy at the end but he shot two scenes where he had full blown oral and vaginal sex with two women. He then made matters worse by claiming it was his best and favorite project of his career. They complete and utter flip with in some months. When called out, he tried staying quiet and would block and delete any comments. Also over time, he has deleted all the tweets about him being so gay etc…. He loss quite a bit of fans and steam in his career till recently where it seems all of these “gays” are following suit. The spectrum folks aka bisexuals are allowing him to slide right back into the scene.
January 26, 2024,
Woooooowwwwwww Oh my God! I had no idea about all of this. I liked Drew when he started out but then his films started to get bad to me. Then he all but disappeared & now I know why. This story is another reason why gay porn is deteriorating at a rapid pace. We can’t even get guys doing porn to suck dick nowadays but they can eat & even fuck pussy? That’s an abomination & we shouldn’t tolerate it at all.
I’m sick & tired of this Bi shit infiltrating gay porn i really am. I just want to see guys who love other guys and will lick & suck every part of the man, not be selective with sucking & licking and to continually see guy with it up is so offensive. I just feel like we are doomed. This bullshit has got to stop. Thank you for telling me all of this Cherrystick. I’m still so blown away smh
January 28, 2024,
That was absolutely terrible. It was made by that “old devil” Bruce LaBruce, who is celebrated by all the lying people in the LGBT community as a great artist, who makes conversion therapy films by pairing gays with women and portraying and praising it as normal sexuality. A terrible person who actually shits on gays and is celebrated for it. And all the actors who film with or for him are the same way. I’ve always said: Especially in the LGBT community, the homophobia and hatred of people who only want to live and love one sexuality is the greatest. These people cannot and do not want to understand why we gays only want to love men. And no one is surprised why it is said that the fear out there in the hetero world towards us gays is so great. Still to this day. And it just keeps getting worse. But it also comes primarily from our own community.
January 28, 2024,
Almost all actors in gay porn today are lying to themselves and especially all consumers and fans of gay porn about their sexuality. There are only a few actors who are really gay and live it out fully in their private lives. There are even G4P actors who admit to being straight, who only fuck men for the money and then do this better than some gay actors, more realistic and more real than all these pseudo gay porn actors of today who, above all, very conspicuously always in work for MG/MEN and then fucking Pussy.
January 28, 2024,
Trevor Brooks is not gay. He never really was. After he fucked his first pussy for this queer/conversion therapy company MG/MEN, he blocked all the people who were disappointed in him and criticized him as a fake gay on his Twitter page and, above all, insulted them with wild insults. Then he teamed up with other actors like Derek Kage (who is also not gay but bi of course) and made fun of gays with them and further provoked them by saying he would do S4P porn from then on and he would have so much pussy fuck and lick as he pleases. And that he where was still gay. As a result, many people canceled him. Then he took a short break, returned and shot gay porn for gays again with lying studios like CB or FS. Now he’s making pussy films for MG/MEN again. It all repeats itself over and over again. These pseudo gay actors are disgusting cross over wimps. I’ve written about this and other actors much before. I was insulted and abused. And now everyone here is whining? You all knew that these actors like Trevor or Derek or Drew lie about their sexuality. And now? Everyone here is feigning surprise or shock. I don’t understand this…..
January 28, 2024,
Another excellent site. I recommend it for my BI brothers.
January 29, 2024,
I like why not bi at least you get to see the male models actually enjoy the sex. At least you see the models rock hard. Seeing Dante Colle and Kaleb Stryker eat the Asian woman pussy in the video really hot. Seeing Trent King fuck women with his huge black cock is hot. I didn’t know until recently Jake Waters and his husband Dillion Diaz are bisexual too they love pussy.
January 29, 2024,
A lot of the comments are ridiculous. Why not bi is BISEXUAL PORN. Male sex workers will do whatever the fuck they want for MONEY. I don’t think that is what people don’t realize.It isn’t gay porn. Bi porn definitely has an audience. My only complaint is bisexual porn still has a stigma. The same male models are used that’s disappointing to me. Bi phobia against men is real. Instead of people shitting on men in bisexual porn. People don’t question why don’t MORE male models work in bisexual porn?
I can tune out the chick. I focus on my fave top PSs. Its easy for me to ignore the chick and enjoy who I like.
Not my thing as I’m not bi but for those who are or can tune out the girl or even like seeing these guys in their natural habitat….cool. It’s another niche site of which there are many and plenty of guys who enjoy the bi scenes, but I think this site has the same issues Men in general does and their partner sites….fake cum, overplayed tropes, terrible acting, overchoreographed…just not stimulating.
I will tell you why. It sucks.
Also known as “where the budget of MEN.com scenes goes to”.
For those who say they can “tune” out the girl when watching…. Um just watch actual gay porn. Just watch Men.com content. This site is the breeding ground for some of these porn guys to sleep with these women and still state that they’re “gay” and this is just a job. That is why I would rate this a one star and if I could a zero.
Every time I read here or elsewhere: We are gay but we have no problem seeing it or it doesn’t bother us, don’t watch it, ignore the woman or fast forward the scene. I’m sorry, what? How can you ignore or magic away a sex scene in which the woman is taken by a man or her pussy is recorded frontally on camera? Especially with pure straight studios like SEE HIM FUCK or HGF? These straight sites are also seen by supposedly gay men just because they find the men there hot. What’s that supposed to mean? We live in 2024, not 1975 when gay porn could only be consumed in secret and was not as available as staightporn. Is this the new type of conversion therapy in America, converting gay porn to bi or straight porn in order to treat gays because this type of therapy is actually forbidden or what? Instead of these studios building their own sites to publish bi or queer porn, they always bother us gays with this kind of crap in our space or on our sites. That has to stop. It gets worse every year. And yet, even though you can see it here in this blog again that people don’t accept it or “supposedly” don’t want it, these agendas just carry on. MEN had published an alleged gay scene with Maverick Sun in which he had previously fucked a woman in the pussy and only later did gay sex occur. But that was classified under the name MEN not under WNB! So that’s how far this queer page from MG has come. So slowly, quietly and secretly, straight porn is moving into gay porn. But the people who subscribe to MEN are supposedly all gay anyway and the scenes are supposedly gay too. Especially their actors. LOL
Gay porn can hardly be more stupid, unnecessary or offensive than MEN.
Mind-numbing to see gay cis men have a meltdown whenever queer media is not made specifically for them. There are bisexual people and they can enjoy bisexual porn and you can choose to consume porn from any of the 500+ other gay porn sites if MMF scenes aren’t your thing! You don’t have to ‘tune out’ the women. And it’s disingenuous to rate a bisexual site if you don’t like bisexual porn at all.
You are exactly the type of person I always talk about. You see yourself and others as “victims” in gay porn! Why don’t you address the fact that you “bisexuals” can’t create your own space? Separate the websites (like biphoria or devil films) and do your own thing for bi’s. But no. There always has to be a site that shoots and publishes gay porn, there also have to be actors who “identify” as gay (even though they aren’t) in order to shoot with women, and above all, we gay Subscribers have to help finance your bi shit! First of all, remember that you are constantly badmouthing or portraying gays in their own spectrum before you see yourself as a VICTIM, you queer twister.
You are commenting on a website called “Why Not Bi” and saying bisexuals should learn to ‘create their own space.’ THIS IS OUR OWN SPACE.
Just because some male porn stars for m/m scenes doesn’t mean you own them as people. It doesn’t mean they can only ever do m/m scenes. And featuring those actors doesn’t mean a website that is clearly maked as bisexual and only hosts bisexual content is a gay space. You’ve entered a clearly marked bisexual space to start screaming how bisexual peopel are invading gay spaces.
Your answer is enough for me. You definitely don’t get it, you’re twisting the facts and continuing to portray yourself as a victim!
I said OWN space. OWN website with OWN link maybe at MEN, or from me like what Biphoria does. Namely, SEPARATE.
As I also wrote, what you don’t understand or don’t want to understand is that as a gay man and subscriber I don’t want to pay for this site directly, even if the money flow anyway to this lying Queer/BI/Straight/Pan/Fluid Agenda/Company…..
And what about the scene mentioned that was filmed with Maverick Sun under the banner as MEN Scene and gay when he fucked pussy beforehand. That was also its OWN space. Correct? You don’t say anything about that because you are also a twister of these hypocritical agenda types who only complain on gay porn blogs and appear to further stir up sentiment against gay porn.
The problem is that our “gay” porn is ran by and performed by a rampant amount of bisexual men. They then go on to do work on these sites and they also have a constant narrative of telling us gay men what we should and should not like.
Furthermore, they have now made the narrative of telling us we’re small minded because we don’t open our sexuality up to other possibilities. They get to have input in our realm all the while telling us that if we don’t like it, ignore it and move on. Comments like yours mimic such. So excuse the hell out of us for once having the chance to input our opinions on bisexuals and their sites.
This poll is not about how you feel about any particular porn star as a person. This is a poll about the quality of a porn on a bisexual site. If you don’t like bisexual porn of course you will not liek the porn on this site.
I’m not into watersports. If I saw a post asking me to rate a watersports site I wouldn’t click the article. I’d just keep on scrolling. Because of course I wouldn’t like that site. I’m not able to evaluate it objectively. That fact this is not your instinct is telling.
Well, if WNB’s subscription numbers are anything to go by, most bi people simply aren’t interested into bi porn at all.
Also, going into a porn blog frequently majority by “gay cis men” to whine about “gay cis men” is a pretty lol-worthy move.
The victimhood of people who claim to be queer/bi/straight/pan/fluid only to then invade gay or gay porn spaces to “force” their sexuality on us is disgusting and hypocritical. Create your own pages/rooms so you can live out all your fantasies. But it does not work. They definitely want to “change” gays!
Because we must always have the greatest understanding. We’re just not allowed to criticize.
I like bisexual stuff so no problem
Trevor Brooks recently deleted an old tweet saying he’s ‘very gay’. He’s tip toeing out of the closet.
All the ‘haters’ were right.
I’m not surprised.
In this day and age, most performers self-declared sexual orientations are pretty much meaningless. They’ll fuck who they need to fuck in order to get social media clout and asspats, with leverage within big studios included of course.
What bothers me personally is how duplicitous this all is: some of them spend years and years building their image around being “super-ultra-dupper-gay” to the point of being obnoxious (they fuck men on-screen all the time, there’s no need for performative bullshit) only to go all “me wants to fuck pussy real bad” out of nowhere.
It’s almost like they’re social alpinists who are overcompensating… almost!
The Drew Dixon special.
What did Drew Dixon do? Did he suddenly became “bi”? Smh
A few years back he went on a tweet frenzy and stated how gay he was and how much he loves men and penis. He even did a piece for weird ass Davey Wavey’s porn channel about how he was bullied and lived in the closet for so long etc…. He even stated how he would never sleep with a woman.
Fast forward about six months later and he did a porn film for an extremely lame conversion therapy fantasy obsessed director called “The Affiars of Lidya” where he not only engaged in a bisexual orgy at the end but he shot two scenes where he had full blown oral and vaginal sex with two women. He then made matters worse by claiming it was his best and favorite project of his career. They complete and utter flip with in some months. When called out, he tried staying quiet and would block and delete any comments. Also over time, he has deleted all the tweets about him being so gay etc…. He loss quite a bit of fans and steam in his career till recently where it seems all of these “gays” are following suit. The spectrum folks aka bisexuals are allowing him to slide right back into the scene.
Woooooowwwwwww Oh my God! I had no idea about all of this. I liked Drew when he started out but then his films started to get bad to me. Then he all but disappeared & now I know why. This story is another reason why gay porn is deteriorating at a rapid pace. We can’t even get guys doing porn to suck dick nowadays but they can eat & even fuck pussy? That’s an abomination & we shouldn’t tolerate it at all.
I’m sick & tired of this Bi shit infiltrating gay porn i really am. I just want to see guys who love other guys and will lick & suck every part of the man, not be selective with sucking & licking and to continually see guy with it up is so offensive. I just feel like we are doomed. This bullshit has got to stop. Thank you for telling me all of this Cherrystick. I’m still so blown away smh
That was absolutely terrible. It was made by that “old devil” Bruce LaBruce, who is celebrated by all the lying people in the LGBT community as a great artist, who makes conversion therapy films by pairing gays with women and portraying and praising it as normal sexuality. A terrible person who actually shits on gays and is celebrated for it. And all the actors who film with or for him are the same way. I’ve always said: Especially in the LGBT community, the homophobia and hatred of people who only want to live and love one sexuality is the greatest. These people cannot and do not want to understand why we gays only want to love men. And no one is surprised why it is said that the fear out there in the hetero world towards us gays is so great. Still to this day. And it just keeps getting worse. But it also comes primarily from our own community.
Almost all actors in gay porn today are lying to themselves and especially all consumers and fans of gay porn about their sexuality. There are only a few actors who are really gay and live it out fully in their private lives. There are even G4P actors who admit to being straight, who only fuck men for the money and then do this better than some gay actors, more realistic and more real than all these pseudo gay porn actors of today who, above all, very conspicuously always in work for MG/MEN and then fucking Pussy.
Trevor Brooks is not gay. He never really was. After he fucked his first pussy for this queer/conversion therapy company MG/MEN, he blocked all the people who were disappointed in him and criticized him as a fake gay on his Twitter page and, above all, insulted them with wild insults. Then he teamed up with other actors like Derek Kage (who is also not gay but bi of course) and made fun of gays with them and further provoked them by saying he would do S4P porn from then on and he would have so much pussy fuck and lick as he pleases. And that he where was still gay. As a result, many people canceled him. Then he took a short break, returned and shot gay porn for gays again with lying studios like CB or FS. Now he’s making pussy films for MG/MEN again. It all repeats itself over and over again. These pseudo gay actors are disgusting cross over wimps. I’ve written about this and other actors much before. I was insulted and abused. And now everyone here is whining? You all knew that these actors like Trevor or Derek or Drew lie about their sexuality. And now? Everyone here is feigning surprise or shock. I don’t understand this…..
Another excellent site. I recommend it for my BI brothers.
I like why not bi at least you get to see the male models actually enjoy the sex. At least you see the models rock hard. Seeing Dante Colle and Kaleb Stryker eat the Asian woman pussy in the video really hot. Seeing Trent King fuck women with his huge black cock is hot. I didn’t know until recently Jake Waters and his husband Dillion Diaz are bisexual too they love pussy.
A lot of the comments are ridiculous. Why not bi is BISEXUAL PORN. Male sex workers will do whatever the fuck they want for MONEY. I don’t think that is what people don’t realize.It isn’t gay porn. Bi porn definitely has an audience. My only complaint is bisexual porn still has a stigma. The same male models are used that’s disappointing to me. Bi phobia against men is real. Instead of people shitting on men in bisexual porn. People don’t question why don’t MORE male models work in bisexual porn?