Best and worst: Presley Scott on Finn Harding and Malik Delgaty on Presley Scott

Presley Scott posted on X last year that Finn Harding, with whom he had a scene at Men, was his favorite scene partner.

In the case of Malik Delgaty, Presley was his worst scene partnerThis guy is the worst model I’ve shoot with, he’s terrible on every point, don’t shoot or follow that guy, you’re out of the industry.

Something bad must have happened during their shoot at Men. Presley wanted to die, got blacklisted, and ended his friendship with Malik.


  1. IDK

    This little drama sure does reveal a lot about’s inner structure and about who holds and gives out the cards in the studio, namely the G4Ps.

    This explains why bizarre bullshit like the cramming of bisexual content on what should be a gay site has become common procedure in recent years. It’s all about catering to the whims of the ones who hold power within the studio, not “inclusion” or any bullshit like that.

    Who would have thought the ones pointing out how G4Ps were the ones who held true power within were right all along?

    • Camille

      Well, we don’t really know what happened

      • IDK

        The facts speak for themselves.

        Malik has the power to blacklist performers not only from, but also from SC, a studio he never even worked for in his life.

        This by itself should be concerning.

    • logogay

      One of the best answers on how to describe MEN/MG and their inner structure and intentions that they pursue. Exactly to the point. Every gay who pays for, promotes or celebrates this website is like the people behind the company. Namely a queer/bi/straight/pan/fluid who wants nothing more than to humiliate, insult and trample on gay culture. And they portray actors as freaks even though they are all human. Only these poor actors don’t notice. They allow themselves to be use by MG, to implement their ideas and fantasies of what gays should are must be like these days in their “imagination”. Of course, they’re just actors going after the money to shoot whatever they can get. But these actors don’t realize that they are just being exploited and used as an accessory. I mean I know Adrian Zucki from OF. For me he is a gay man. His appearance or size doesn’t matter. I also knew the old, fat or unknown actors that MG/MEN bought from other sites. And everyone was put in the scene as “unnormally”. On the other websites, they just had gay sex, were gay and just had sex! That’s what porn is about.
      But by MEN/MG? Not, rather to enforce your fantasies or views with such staged scenes, to make fun of them or to center them as a joke. This is the worst company in the gay industry. Only people are now blind and desperate because they believe there are no better or other gay websites anymore.

    • AndThenTheresMaude

      This guy is a bisexual Quebecois male( just like most of the models at MEN). If you go check out his twitter videos (which are as dull a dishwater) you can hear the accent. It explains why he used the word “sync” instead of “sink” in one of his posts. It also explains why he’s not getting along with anyone, cause that gang from Montreal can be quite catty within their inner circle towards one another.

    • Jay Thibeault

      Malik and Presley, kinda sad. I don’t know anything so I would be speculating which I won’t do. Malik (as am I) is indeed French Canadian, a native son of Montreal. Originally a stripper (as was his father). Now the biggest star in the business. I imagine the fame brings power, both which would be new to him. I don’t get the impression he’s mean spirited or a bully. If he has a slip I’ll blame it on sudden fame for now. Also we French Canadians can initially appear blunt but really we’re a very warm and loving person, very family oriented. Shame on Malik for ever hurting another’s career especially when they are so much lower on the good chain. That would be ugly, I like them both so I suggest never answer the question or tweet who the most and least favorite are, how will that end well ? And being a bully in this industry will almost always come back to bite you on the ass … HARD. Stupid.

  2. Pavel Ford

    Really very surprised if ANYONE cares about any of this drama………

    • Camille

      I care a little because Malik is one my favorite porn stars but also because that hard tweet was out of Malik’s character. He has been nice and strictly to bussiness on his twitter. I got bewildered.

  3. NovaStar

    This Twitter war is more entertaining than the films these fools make.

    And Presley Scott has some bad taste in men lol

    • Reg

      Oh, the handbags at dawn are hilarious.

      Presley, Sean Costin and his angry demands for a sugar daddy, Malik who is like a plank of wood on camera, but so fun to see on Twitter.

  4. Cherrystick

    Presley is a simp for these guys. He’s made that clear in his past posts where he praises these blokes like they’re the best in the game. Malik dogs him in the tweets and Preston goes light on him. Malik clarifies his feelings and Preston makes excuses. He does it again and Preston still affirms his love for him. It’s like dude get a fucking grip. Guys like Preston will flip their rainbow lids for everything these guys do and the truth is that they don’t give a fuck about him and they don’t give a fuck about us.

    As for the power dynamic that Malik holds in the franchise, it’s almost comical. Reality is that Malik is one dimensional in everything he does just like his little fuck buddy Finn. He does nothing for the appeal of the studio like a few years ago and it’s the reason why there’s nothing that makes you want to sign up for a subscription to the site. The quality of scenes suck, the models suck and they’ve lost touch with what their fan base is and wants. Malik’s pull is fading and once the catering to him diminishes, then what?!?!

    • Camille

      Maybe you’re right in part. But we don’t know the whole context. Is Malik the bad one? Is it Presley? Why Malik reacted in such way when he had never done that on twitter? Truth has many layers :/

      and by the way Malik has done a prolific job on his onlyfans and is the number one site believe or not! and as I stated before: the hate or nuisance towards Malik is childish or at least, not fair.

      • Reg

        Well, I’d say they’re both as bad as each other.

      • logogay

        “Truth has many layers”
        You already said it. You claim Malik did a great job on OF. Now, you’re obsessively obsessed with him (and he’d actually kick your ass but needs your money) and love his scenes (no matter what he does, even though he always does the same thing, namely nothing), you praise his work. But in truth, his OF videos are even shittier than his work on his bread and butter MEN. He does the same thing there (namely nothing, no interaction/chemistry with men, no sucking, kissing, rimming) and is even more boring. And what’s the number One thing about MEN/MG is or is not the truth. MEN/MG has a lot of money and invests a lot in marketing and advertising. They are not number 1. They just write it on their website and it’s not true. They write also on their website % information about each of their scenes which (supposedly) come from subscribers whether they like a scene or not. This is also staged and manipulated by MEN themselves. You are so naive and believe them in everything they control and even in the Have a hand. So keep believing in her, my “naive female bunny”.
        If it came down to it, they would totally ignore you and treat you like air and deny you your right to exist. Believe me. MG are the Republicans among the (gay) porn companies!

    • logogay

      As far as MEN/MG and its G4P models (Malik in the first place) and their subscriptions and “fans” are concerned, I agree with you 100%. In reality, these “gaybaiters” ignore the entire gay community and its needs and rights. Just like their employer MEN/MG!
      The short video and statement last year that MEN published on their website (it was also reported here) from Malik, where he is portrayed as an absolute fighter for the gay community and his rehearsed statement sounds all the more like sheer mockery and cynicism today. You should really wake up and know that this company and its actors don’t mean anything, really nothing, seriously that they say or do. Otherwise they would really be a (GAY)porn studio that only shoots (GAY)porn and not clown scenes with pussies or by using actors based on their looks and calling it inclusion even though they humiliate them in the scenes.

      • Camille

        You see things in your way, and I see them differently. That’s it 🙂

      • me

        I have no information how really works but if you open your eyes, you can see it in their movies. I just can confirm that most of the new scenes are overacting and do not meet our gay needs. No man (if gay or straight) does such silly overacting and drills his eyes when having sex. It is a shame for me to film gay sex like this. Sure, the actors do what they are told. Sure, they could say: fuck off, this is bullshit. Finally the market/customers could rule it. I am also confused what happened here. Some days ago there was an interview with Malik on queermenow or bananaguide. He said he wants to support his family which is poor. I don’t know, it was honest to me. Finally, the porn industry and escort world is a tough business. Sure, you can make mich money but it has its price.

  5. Reg

    “I did write that”. I love that. It’s actually the only thing about Malik I’ve ever enjoyed!

    Presley is apparently pariah in porn, but I don’t think anyone’s said why he’s blacklisted?

  6. Nick

    I grieve for Presley Scott. Because he demonstrated humility by recognizing the good things that Malik Delgaty did for him. He could act out of anger and say nothing, but he had the decency to give Malik the credit he deserved. Malik Delgaty, enjoying his superstar power, used social media to mistreat someone weaker. Shameful! He should be ashamed of doing this. I believe Presley Scott at his word 100%. If in Hollywood there are Harveys Weinsteins, in the Porn bubble it must be even worse. Since the world has been around, work relationships have revolved around power. Bullying at work is a reality.

    • Camille

      Yeah that “humility” may count in favor of him. But we need to know the whole context. Malik never (as far as I know) played dirty on his twitter by telling gossips, criticizing others and so on. It’s sad that these things happen and definitely it tarnishes both actors.

  7. Magnus

    The only way this isn’t the most idiotic squabble imaginable, is if it’s fake. This petty, manufactured drama is how silly Bravo housewives behave. I wouldn’t be at all surprised for these two sad excuses of “men” to have a well-publicized scene, along with a blitz of claims that “we’re BFF’s again” on all the sites. If this is indeed an authentic squabble, then these boys are dumb as dirt.

    • Camille

      Well, maybe :/

    • Reg

      I wonder if it’ll turn out as twisted a public exchange as Jack and Dolf…

  8. Guy001

    Who gives a shit about a couple of boring pseudo-performers with ejaculation issues

  9. EJ

    Tsk! Tsk!Let’s hope these ladies kiss and make up Young Queens can be so petty…

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