Fucked by his own cock: Hatler Gurius, Jason Crew, Ben Rose, Josh Slyman, and Cody Allen

Hatler Gurius, in his scene with Joey Mills at Men, is the latest porn star to showcase his ability to fuck himself with his own cock.

I’ve seen it first with Jason Crew at Hot House.

It has also been done by Ben Rose (Video Boys), Josh Sylman, and Cody Allen (Next Door Studios).


  1. AndThenTheresMaude

    Is it just me or does Joey Mills overact and mug for the camera wayyyy to much?

    Also these guys can go f*ck themselves… literally

    • EJ

      What do you expect? He’s a sex worker, not Laurence Olivier!

  2. Pavel Ford

    As usual – just look at the “modern” porn guys with that damn fake Frozen Surprised look on their faces.
    WHAT IS THE POINT OF THIS ? It seems it started about 3 years ago and is not letting up.
    Notice that Porn Legends Jason Crew and Ben Rose look MUCH Hotter without that stupid face.
    I will admit both of the guys without the fake surprise look are much better looking anyway.
    Jason Crew was a dirty ( in a good way ) boy and up for anything. Most of his scenes are Hot.
    Ben Rose was also fun to watch in a sex scene top or bottom. Its a shame Ben didn’t stick around longer.

  3. Deepgloat

    Actually, this was started 41 years ago by the legendary Brian Thompson in that fireside fuck scene with Leo Ford in “Sailor in the Wild”. A movie, by the way, that still holds up well four decades later.

    • Pavel Ford

      I remember a Chris Thompson from back then, he was hot. Were they related?

      • EJ

        No relation. I remember that Chris Thompson too. They looked totally different. Chris looked Hispanic. He did a bisexual scene with Tex Anthony and Bunny Bleu in Cabaret Sin and they actually used the extra footage in Cabaret of The Sins, though only paid them for the one scene.. Chris and Tex did trans stuff too. I wonder why everyone hates these sex worker dudes of today for doing it all?They’re all gay. Fucking all the pussy in the world ain’t gonna change that. Brian and Tex both died of AIDS. Too bad Bunny got that tit job. She looked so hot with her regular figure with the little tits. I got a Polaroid with the old Bunny when I saw her strip in Times Square almost 40 years ago. That doesn’t make me any less gay. Sadly, Brian and Tex both died of AIDS.

  4. Bruiser

    Well ya certainly don’t have to look your best.

    • EJ

      And, hopefully, you won’t hate yourself in the morning! Unless you’re a schizophrenic.

  5. Steeno

    Not just the surprised look, but the finger to the mouth, shushing pose that instantly turns me off.

  6. NovaStar

    That shocked & amazed look is tired and it needs to be retired like yesterday. We know that you’re gonna fuck the dude who’s fucking himself, look like it actually turns you on and you wanna fuck from it.

  7. Ted

    I doubt this could happen, but imagine if it got stuck, and you had to be rushed to the hospital. Could there be anything worse than that? I wonder how many people would make a “go Fuck yourself” joke.

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