1. Jktooo

    Zach Roloff would be hot in porn. Not gonna happen but hes very attractive.

    • EJ

      Peter Dinklage is hot too. He was a lot hotter than Jose Ferrer as Cyrano. I have also heard he is quite the cocksman. I am sure he gets lots of opportunity with all that money. The green stuff always gets the ladies juices flowing . But there is even less of a chance of seeing Peter in flagrante. Has he ever done any nude “love” scenes? I know that is not PC in mainsteam films of today so maybe not.

  2. AndThenTheresMaude

    This post reminds me of a dad joke I heard years ago…

    The Seven Dwarfs bought a hot tub.
    They all got in and started feeling Happy.
    So he got out and left, now they’re all f*cking Grumpy.

  3. Camille

    Almost like raping a 5 year old kid 😀 😀

    • Ariel Anatole

      As a survivor. I find your humor cruel. As a short person I am reminded there’s a place for people like you. It comes with bars and an orange jumpsuit.

      • Camille

        I am not a pedophile anyway. But this kind of porn is off for me, precisely for that.

        • Phil H

          He’s clearly an adult. Your hangups and your weird need to define what a man should look like are on you, not him.

      • asis

        prison for a joke? what kind of person are you. thats worse than the jokes

  4. Bastian

    There were women, trans, now “little person” aka a man the size of a child, there is still a goat to fuck and we have a whole cross-section of how MEN perceives its customers, supposedly the world’s best GAY website.

    • Ted

      I think this “little person” is still a man though… a biological man..

      …but yeah, I guess it’s impossible little people can also be gay. Good Point!

      • Francis

        These are dumb f*ggots who can’t handle anything that isn’t a White bread jock. If it isn’t a White bread jock then look at the hate rain down. Even if that individual is cis and gay.

        It has never been about that and always been about these people being bigots who desire uniformity and can’t handle any level of diversity of any kind. Wretched, pathetic people dominate this comment section.

        • Miller

          Please tell me that you’re the female Francis who is Woody Fox is fucking?
          Because the way that you speak is exactly like her. (homophobic and stupid)

      • Bastian

        My point was that Mind Geek made a meme from a site aimed at gays dumping all kinds of woke, queer and freak porn that they don’t dare to put on their straight sites.

  5. asis

    people are mean

  6. Ted

    This isn’t really my kink, but I don’t know… maybe my mind will be changed in a year or two (Maybe if he grew some facial hair??). That said, it doesn’t really bother me much as I feel like most of what Men uploads isn’t really to my taste in the first place. They do upload a lot though, so I feel like when they do try this stuff, nothing is really being lost… but then again, a lot of their stuff doesn’t turn me on, so I really don’t feel like I am missing something.

  7. logogay

    Now I know where MEN/MG make their big money with their terrible queer site and why it still exists.
    By illogical, hypocritical, crazy and stupid-thinking consumers who repeatedly claim that they don’t like MEN/MG content, but still pay for it month after month and sometimes download it, but continue to act in public as if Men/MG content is crap. So these people lie boldly and spread untruths on the Internet anyway. And they’re queer/bi/straight/pan/fluid to boot. MEN/MG makes easy money from stupid people like their. And these people are supposed to elect the President of America in November. Poor America…

    • asis

      who acts in public about gay porn?

  8. Francis

    You might not be into it, but that doesn’t mean others aren’t, and it doesn’t mean that representation for little people isn’t important for those who are out there….and they are out there.

    But that’d actually take having perspective and considering the experiences of anyone else different than you. About 10% of you on here are capable. The rest of you are not, and proudly so. What complete losers that makes you.

  9. Alex

    I mean, there’s a video of one Aylo (MindGeek) employee (a producer?) pretty much saying they want to get as many customers as possible so they’re willing to do anything it takes to do so and that includes making any scenario possible. These bitches are legit desperate.

    • Camille

      For you is desperate for me is inclusion. Ugly people have sex too and many people love ugly guys :/

      • Alex

        I’mma include you to the bin

    • asis

      a business wanting more customers? they sound like communists

  10. Ok

    At least he’s actually a man lol. I wish him the best.

    That said, guys who are into this type of content are usually gross gooner types. Red flag central.

  11. Pavel Ford


  12. Magnus

    So I guess we just have to learn to deal with the fact that Mindgeek’s gay sites are going to be the repository for all the niche kinks under the sun. It’s unappealing to me, but if someone could possibly find a creepy inked-up Webster sexy, Men is there for you. I guess.

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