Casa del Amor is the latest series from Belami Online “Stories of hidden (or not so hidden) passions, loves, and desires, all filmed on location at the House of BelAmi in Spain. Join the guys as they reveal the objects of their desires, their secret loves and their passion for sex.“

It stars Mark Laysson, Tom Houston, Kian O’Connor, Jim Durden, Ethan O’Pry, Jamie Eliot, Riff Dornan, Bobby Kanne, Tommy Clapton, Kyle Brady, Bruce Harrelson, Clint Newman, and Ayden Mallory.

Of the 13 models, who is your favorite?
I wonder if the final scene will be a 13-man orgy? 😜😜😜
That would be great! 😉😊🔥👍
I’m gonna go with Tommy or Jim. They seem to be the Underdogs.
Riff Dornan for ever but why he doesn’t bottom
Forever Tom Houston <3 <3 <3. After Malik Delgaty, he is the most handsome boy of the porn arena nowadays.
Delgaty is handsome but should bottom more and suck. Thank Zeus Houston does both. Bobby Kane and Eh
Than, wow
Honestly, I prefer him total top. I am not into converting or coercing people to do what they not what to do. Regards!
En la Casa del Amor no hay amor verdadero si no hay coño.
Shame for the runners up, in almost any other poll on Men of Porn at least 8 of the guys in this list would run away with the win. But Bobby Kanne? Just a breathtakingingly gorgeous speciman of human DNA. A walking testosterone sperm donor.
Tom Houston is more beautiful. But I respect your choice. BEL AMI is the factory of beautiful specimen.
I’ve said it before, Bel Ami on many occasions doesn’t recruit these perfect guys, they simply grow them in a lab somewhere…
It’s sad that people will so willingly and quickly bend over for the least interactive, most ‘trade top’ of the entire bunch. Give me someone like Peter Annaud or Viggo Sorrenson, for all that they are straight and prefer women, by their own admissions, can at least give gay porn performances that feel realized, and at least give the impression that they are feeling pleasure, versus going through rote motions to collect a paycheck.
Wow Viggo Sorrenson has a similiar name to the actor Viggo Mortenson.Is it intentional? He is the ex husband of one of my idols, the rock singer/songwriter Exene Cervenka of the rock band X. Exene is one of the many endless rock chicks(eg Johnette & Chrissy Amphlett) that came in the wake of Debby(Blondie) Harry that I have idolized throughout the years.
Some lovely Queens In Training here…
Mark Laysson is the best. Amazing body, handsome face and also a good performer.