X: Aspen “I started a fan fiction: The Lost Scrolls of Salazar Slytherin in Godrick Gryffindor.”


re: Cliff Jensen “My test was positive for gonorrhea!!



  1. Greg

    So the tea at the salon is Dolf left Jack because Jack was doing meth again. Dolfs been posting “passive aggressive” tweets relating to meth use, along with saying he’ll date anyone who’s not doing meth.. very subtle 🤣

    • Reg

      Bets on whether the Tweets will be deleted and they’ll be back together in a fortnight?

      • Phil H

        I’ll bet you that Reg. £100, double or nothing. Meet me back here in two weeks.

        By the way, has Cliff Jensen blamed gay porn for his STD, rather than just blaming Spikey Dee. I remember you saying a couple of days ago that he would.

        • Reg

          Yep, the blame lies SOLELY with men apparently. He couldn’t possibly have got it off the clock and from a woman. It seems that his straight personal life is immune and that women can’t possibly contract or spread STD’s.

          And Jack and Dolf…yeesh. I remember always thinking that Paul Canon and Damien Kyle were the most dysfunctional couple in gay porn, but this pair take the biscuit.

          They do heroin together, home invade each other, post photos of the cuts and bruises, Jack calls Dolf a paedophile publicly, they file criminal charges against each other, then are back together, Jack’s currently going crazy on both of their faces with his scary home filler business, one minute they’re breaking up, but then they’re friends, a couple again, having orgies, break up again…

          Their “relationship” really is so much more entertaining than their porn.

          And thank you, Phil. That was the nicest and most civil comment I’ve ever had from you and I really appreciate it. I really hope that we can move on from all of that.

    • JR

      Is anyone surprised that Jack is on the pipe again? The way he has botched up his own face despite being the “number one esthetician in New York” would be enough to turn anyone back to using.

  2. Steve

    My god, from the way he’s been tweeting about this, you’d think Cliff Jensen would be doing commercials for Ceftriaxone (look it up) 😅

    • JR

      You would also think he is the first person to ever have caught gonorrhea and that it was some god forsaken incurable disease. These “sex workers” take great pride in saying “sex work is real work”. Well then it’s a hazard of the job. Deal with it.

  3. Andy

    I don’t understand Cliff Jensen he got gonarrhea because he obviously didn’t practice safer sex. It is his fault he can’t do the porn shoots.

    • JR

      You mean he has to take some accountability for HIS OWN behavior?? What a novel concept…that CJ is not able to grasp.

  4. Bsg67

    Well another week another bunch of people off their meds or too much meds

  5. Reg

    “I have a couple of months to learn how to act”…why were you cast in a movie if you can’t act?

    Cliff is a riddled mess.

    You’re trawling dating websites now, Aspen? Are you going to mention your criminal record, or are you saving that as a surprise?

    You’re doing shockingly Dolf, but you’re one of the sickest-in-the-head porn “stars” out there. You’re only tied with your fellow drug addict, paedophile accustation slinging (at you) boyfriend Jack.

  6. Pavel Ford

    KANE FOX – WOW what an attitude. I never followed him but from time to time would see what he posted. Boring, Desperate stuff. Here is hoping Everyone drops his smug ass. By the way, Kane has not put out anything near hot in years. Time to go get your Home Depot apron on and earn a real living kid.
    ASPEN – YIKES… This guy has way too much time on his hands. He really has lost it !
    KURT LOCKWOOD – I agree.
    CLIFF JENSEN – Damn, just has to post every detail of his miserable pathetic life. Go get a real job.

    • Zach

      I can see why Trevor Harris finally kicked him to the curb.

  7. logogay

    And here we are again, at the beginning of a new week in which the (“best”) posts are published by performers who are mainly crossover actors, who do bi and straight work and who mainly complain about their (gay?) fans, theirs Dumping crap and garbage and just whining, whining, whining! Cliff should stop complaining about how much money he’s lost now. If he had paid attention, invested a little money himself to test himself or to test himself with other men, then it wouldn’t have come to this. He also does a lot of vagina scenes in bi and straight porn. He can also (and perhaps it is the case) have been infected by a woman because most women also transmit the disease through vaginal intercourse! But that is hidden and excluded. Women are clean and men (especially gays) are always to blame for it. Shut up Cliff and please only shoot with women then you’ll be on the safe side and won’t have to constantly complan about male sex workers or male fans!
    As far as Grabby’s Europe is concerned, and I already said that I’m not a fan of award ceremonies or awards in gayporn in general because the nominations and those present piss me off because it has nothing more or less to do with gay (women are on the red carpet or at the awards ceremony or bi and vagina scenes are nominated or given a category), G4P or crossover actors are nominated and awarded, while gay actors usually come away empty-handed! But especially when I now see the difference between American and European award ceremonies/events, where based on the pictures/photos and nominations/winners, the Americans have a worse “agenda” (queer/bi/straight/pan/fluid) in the Introduce gay porn and act more tolerant/progressive (hypocritical) than Europeans who just let gay be gay. I know that doesn’t suit most queer/bi/straight/pan fluid agendas here on this blog, but that’s the unvarnished truth!
    Thank you Denz for your publications.

    • Q

      “just whining, whining, whining”

      How ironic…

      • logogay

        Maybe I am irony personified. Above all, I could imagine that such messages are more likely to get guys like you excited than sex between two men, in which gay porn fans, gay consumers or just gays in general are constantly insulted or act as doormats for such actors. You’re just spiteful and wallowing in opportunities where others are treated like trash. Then I’d rather be ironic than a characterless pig who loves everything that has to do with a “scandal”!

  8. NovaStar

    With everything going on with Cliff & Spikey, I wonder why anyone would even want to see that film considering what happened with them both.
    Hell why even show it at all. All money isn’t good money. The whole thing is creepy & gross.

  9. NovaStar

    Aspen is all over the place isn’t he? Good grief smh

    • Reg

      He’s the father of at least two, Gay4Pay, a convicted child abuser, trawling dating websites for yet more girlfriends, I’m not sure WHAT to believe about his family or why he’s trying to shame his sister-in-law through his gay porn persona…

      I imagine he has no friends, which is why he turns to Twitter for everything that’s going wrong in his personal life. He’s just got no one to talk to, but I think it’s literally driving him insane.

  10. Camille

    Sean Harding rimming a whale ass. Fuck so delicious. Jerking off time.

  11. baz

    Jesus, Cliff Jensen is one hell of a drama queen.

  12. JR

    If anyone needs the best laugh they will have all year, please see the “red carpet” from the Grabbys. Some of the tackiest, hideous clothing you will ever see. Do these people not have a single friend that would say to them “you might want to reconsider that “look””. Its pure comedy.

    • Reg

      What I laugh at is who’s nominated and who wins, because the Grabby’s have become such a joke. You’ve got award-winning “stars”, who are turning out the tragic porn since the invention of it.

      • logogay

        I bet he would have celebrated the “American version” of the Grabbys or other “Gay Award Shows” more than this one. With all the queer/bi/straight/pan/fluid crossover or G4P actors, who would have brought their wives/girlfriends with them to the red carpet and where vagina scenes would have been nominated in categories. He and many others here on this blog would have liked that better. LOL

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