Poll: Myles Mint, Michal Alcar, Hudson, Connor Stone, Josh Hollinder, Archie, Jona Ortiz, Leo Gates, Paul Codi, Adam Liotta, Phillipe XOX or Ricky Rexx? (05/24, Week 2)

Myles Mint of Gay Hoopla

Michal Alcar of William Higgins

Hudson of Corbin Fisher

Connor Stone of Bentley Race

Josh Hollinder of English Lads

Archie of Military Classified

Jona Ortiz of Tim Tales

Leo Gates of Say Uncle

Paul Codi of Sean Cody

Adam Liotta of Fresh Men

Phillipe XOX of The Bro Network

Ricky Rexx of Bait Buddies and Hot House

Vote for your favorite.

This poll is no longer accepting votes

Myles Mint, Michal Alcar, Hudson, Connor Stone, Josh Hollinder, Archie, Jona Ortiz, Leo Gates, Paul Codi, Adam Liotta, Phillipe XOX or Ricky Rexx?
662 votes
Ends on 05/19/2024

Winner of last week’s poll: Jay Stryker of Carnal+

Monthly poll (April): Sean Gandy, Brandon Dylann, Danny Wyatt, Antonio Velez, or Cody Arizona?


    • LogoQueer/Bi/Straight/Pan/Fluid

      He is not going to win. Like previous polls, this one will also be rigged by gays who hate Queer/Bi/Straight/Pan/Fluid people.

      • Bert

        Hmmm… Buddy, sweetie, Mrs, Mr. Instead of your long name, consider just “FREAK “ and we’ll know who you are.

      • Camille

        In this polls, what it should be taken into account are looks. Basically, some of the guys here only do solo content so they will be in great disavantage with the ones who perform more than that.

    • Camille

      Ugly for my taste. But that’s ok to your own.

  1. Fathom

    I didn’t know Paul Codi did professional (and I use that term loosely) porn; I know him from the videos he does with Travis Connor. Those Sean Cody pictures don’t do him justice; he is a smoke show: handsome, built and a big fat cock, plus he’s a very enthusiastic versatile performer. Love Paul Codi.

    • bo69

      Totally agree, his SC scene could have been a lot better with some cum eating, his OF scenes with BF Travis are excellent.

  2. matt34

    Never seen michal alcar before, but very handsome

  3. Camille

    Myles first. 4.5 out of 5
    Paul Codi second 4 out of 5

  4. Ted

    A lot of hot guys this time. I’d vote for Myles Mint, but I don’t expect him to be back or shoot any gay scenes at GH even if he is gay/bi (and that’s a minus 5 points on its own, minus an extra 2 because I doubt GH would depict him as verse either, even if he is that as well).

    • Mike

      His next scene or two will be on Hotguysfuck for sure.

  5. Yangie

    I swear I have seen Myles Mint from somewhere. I just can’t pinpoint where.

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