X: Christian Wilde “Yes, I do indeed have a receding hairline. No, I do not let it affect my ability to feel sexy or handsome or confident.”



  1. AndThenTheresMaude

    Zero sympathy here for Masculine Jason. His “advice” on how to be masculine on his YouTube channel is a joke, along with his interviews with washed up or fogotten porn stars. The fact that he’s using steroids again( after having cancer surgery/ treatment) should be an indication of his hypocrisy.

    Btw, an extremely dark tan on tattooed skin does not make one look sexy at all.. and with bleached teeth to boot 🤮

  2. Jktooo

    Christian is a gorgeous man! Im glad he doesnt care about his receding hair. He gets a lot of shit from mean girl asshole gays who r nasty bitches themselves….yes many of them r here on MOP!

  3. Sean

    Not a fan of Christian, however, I agree with him that it is important to find your security and not let others define what beauty is standard.

    Brian – I’ve always found you sexy. However, you go to such extremes with your sexual adventures, including enormous gang-bangs, etc. Maybe that is why people are nervous to film with you v. just your status. Many + folks have very active sex lives and even filming opportunities.

    Maxx… partner, boyfriend, husband, etc. The title doesn’t matter, it is the interactions that count.

    No need for a Sophia post in a gay blog!

  4. logogay

    Most of the tweets this time are not so about defaming gays, but rather about crossover performers (Kyler, Jayden, Rodrigo and others) who want to showcase their vagina work. Good for all of them. I’m just surprised that Derek’s girlfriend (or wife?) shoots a scene without her Derek and then posts it.
    Next time please correct us if you want to offend and irritate gays Mrs. “I shoot with every gay porn actor” Bitchi”!
    Thank`s for this Reports Denz.

  5. NovaStar

    Rodrigo Amor – yikes! I hope he gets well soon

    Christian Wilde – I’m not a fan of his but his words were on point.

    Jacob Diaz – I get where he was coming from but i wonder if he would still say that his skin was a couple of shades darker. Barack Obama was the President of the United States & racism was still thrown at him so it’s never gonna go away no matter how well accomplished one is.

    Masculine Jason & Joel – them tattoos are totally unflattering

    Henrik Sommers – he needs to go to get help from a Therapist or Psychologist already & not talking on Twitter/X.

    Daddy Diesel – he gets my utmost respect

    Sophia Locke – ewww

    Kyler Drayke – we don’t need to see your test results. Your scene partners do but not us.

    Deangelo Jackson – if only his films were as hot & pretty as this body art. Smh

    Max Konnor – I’d rather he act on stage than on porn. Stick to that instead.

  6. Pavel Ford

    You know… IF Anyone would have been teleported here from just 1995 and looked at all the ugly ink smeared across these guys bodies and faces, the eye and nose loops, forehead studs….
    That person would really not believe it. They would think its some kind of joke.
    We just slowly have been accustomed to it. Either Way, it Really is not attractive at all.
    It ruins what would be a regular good looking person.
    In my opinion.

  7. Nick

    1. People are losing their sense of limits when it comes to tattoos. Of course, people are free to do what they want, but excessive tattoos can be very visually aggressive for other people and they need to understand that too.
    2. Diesel Washington: Iconic.

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