X: Pierce Paris “I don’t get booked for gay scenes anymore. They stopped after I won Performer of the Year in 2020.”


Henrik Sommer “My new home.”

Christian Wilde “Here I come London!”


Jake Orion, who had a solo scene released in 2014 at Randy Blue “Social media is so toxic. I post a picture of my body and people are calling me gay like it’s an insult. There’s nothing wrong with being gay. Shit I take it as a complement.”

Tony Genius “Don’t miss the latest episode of @masculinejason “Porn Star Confessions” featuring me!”


Colby Jansen ” I feel relieved.”

Tattoos of Hoss Kado aka Jared (2008) of Sean Cody


  1. Jake

    I think Colby Jansen realized he was screwed when he created his other twitter account featuring him in hetero femdom porn, and needed an easy out since no one is booking him to do gay stuff anymore.

    • logogay

      It’s also better that they don’t book him for gay porn anymore. I wouldn’t give most of them (especially these homophobic crossover actors) a job in gay porn anymore!

  2. baz

    Oh, Pierce Paris…..no one misses your windsock dick or your toxic interactions. I might have said that that may have been the one thing I can say the gay porn industry did right….but they did give his stupid ass and award right before……

    Colby, it’s always easy to say you not doing the step porn when you’ve eaten off that plate already, right?

    Chlamydiot Cliff giving up weed pre filming? Eh, I bet he’s still an asshole extraordinare.

    I can only sigh deeply at Lukas Daken’s tweets…..

  3. AndThenTheresMaude

    IMO If anyone managed to win the “career suicide award” for 2024, it’s Colby. You’d think he’d learn after what his BFFS Pierce Paris and Jaxton Wheeler did. For me it was when he started posting those femdom vids, to saying he’d fuck anything for a paycheck,( Both of which he got a ton of backlash for) to having to use a PR company to try to win his core audience back, then “building his own studio” since no real studio would hire him afterwards, it’s just been one big slow burn to the bottom.

  4. JB

    A unique, mixed bag this week…thanks Denz.

    Max Konnor: I’ll never understand WHY people would ever want to recognize you, in public or private. Kudos on the mask, though.

    Christian Wilde: Congrats on you being recognized. I always admire his dom skills; and he keeps his G4P below obnoxious levels.

    Swhirly: You go girl. Preach!

    Damian Night: it’s funny that you tell people you’re a porn star.

    Jake Orion: You’re not a has-been more of a never-were. Just go away.

    Cliff Jensen: Weed is definitely NOT the problem with your scene days. You showing up is.

    Tony Genius: Since I’ve missed all the other Porn Star Confession episodes I would hate to break a winning streak now.

    Michael Jackman: Invest in therapy, bro.

    Pierce Paris: You aren’t booked for gay scenes anymore because of your high nausea factor, not because of any fake awards.

    Hayden Brier: Prayers for you dear.

    Colby Jensen: Check my Pierce Paris response .

    Hoss Kado: Possibly the ONLY adult industry model whose tattoos make Davin Strong’s look normal. HK has some serious body dysmorphia going on.

    Jay Tee & Steve Hattrickz: you are both a train wreck that NOBODY needs to see or hear from. Ever.

    Sharok: Love him or hate him, he always stands up for the gay community. Brava!

    Lukas Daken: Please. Only your doctor needs to see those pictures (and, even then, check before you send them).

    Derek Kage: You need to stop trying so hard…we’re never going to like you. Hurry up and disappear so we can start asking “What ever happened to….”

    • Adman4Sure

      Wow! That’s a ton of unwarranted vitriol! I wish you the best.

    • agentDXP

      You don’t need to have an opinion on everything, you know.

  5. Pavel Ford

    Jake Orion – Still a hypocrite and loser. Goes on and on how social media is bad blah blah blah… But spends almost every minute of every day posting somewhere. And nobody looks.
    Damian Night – I really would like someone to tell all about how much guys really make in movies, onlyfans, porn scenes , escorting etc… No making shit up.
    Cliff Jensen – I stopped drinking and drugging on work mornings too, I can’t believe how alert I am and full of energy and responsive I am……DUMMY.
    Pierce Paris – Its NOT THAT dude. Its the Mr. Softy flapping dick of yours. And the Cunt attitude too.
    Michael Jackman – Damn, Looking Hot.
    Hayden Brier – Lets hope its something easy to fix like low electrolytes or dehydration.
    TATE HOSKINS – Damn, I was not aware of this hot guy at all. Hope to see him soon! Cute !
    Hoss Kado – There are really just No Words except SAD.

  6. IDK

    Can someone enlighten me (and consequently the rest of the readers) about this whole Colby Jansen situation? It seems a lot has happened since his last “glory days”, as he’s acting very strangely in these past few months.

    As for the Lukas Daken… the guy is a mess and a trashfire waiting to happen.

    The motivations behind his “girly revelation” seem to linked purely with fetish shit, his desire for surgery included.

    If he doesn’t come to his senses, he’s going to end up like most of these fetish cases tend to: as either a lolcow for people to laught at or a living disaster for people to be baffled by.

    There’s no in-between.

    He clearly has no idea of the consequences of such procedures and is going to do it out of pure impulse. The thing is: once he does it’s done, there’s no coming back, never. Even corrective surgery won’t be able to fix the damage done.

    But hey! Let’s see how this will end…

    • Reg

      Colby has a complicated backstory. He started doing porn and shared a very heartfelt coming out story. Then he started dating and married a pre-op transexual. She had bottom surgery and he started to say that although he was gay, his wife has “a damn fine vagina”. They divorced, he got into EXTREME toys, which were unhealthily large and has finally become as demented as he is today.

  7. Sean

    Pierce – why hire you, your cock seems to never get hard. Plus, you come off as a jerk in most of your posts.

    Swhirly – no idea who your, however, nice post.

    Colby – never understood the allure, just not my type.

    Hoss – what’s wrong? Shame he had a nice tight bod & he is really making it look bad… and Iike tats, but this is a different sad level.

    Nate Grimes – I always thought he was sexy. However, he seems to go through self doubt plenty based on various posts. I hope he has support because he really is a sexy guy. Hope he finds peace/happiness.

    Lukas – please no more post of this person!

  8. simp

    Blame the industry for not booking you instead of that flopping soft dick of yours. Well played Mr Paris.

  9. logogay

    Most of these social media crossover/queer/G4P performers who keep coming back with the same crap should be shut up instead of constantly putting up with their views or problems that mostly result from us (GAYS). And wasn’t it Sharok who once fucked vaginas as an “alleged” gay man and also thought about doing straight porn? I always say: the gay guys who are less gay than most (because they fuck women and vaginas) are always the ones who act as the greatest fighters for a another culture (whether LBGT or queer agendas) and are more dishonest than one straight guy who would do that.

  10. Cherrystick

    There’s nothing sexy at all about seeing two guys who can’t seem to stay out of vaginas being advertised on a gay porn site as one of the highlights.

    Tate and Derek both are so lost in female genitalia that I can’t take them seriously whatsoever. I don’t know about you guys but they he minute I see one of these “gay” guys eating out pussy, I’m done. Matter of fact just about all of these men engage in sex with vaginas. Goodness gracious.

    It’s extremely funny to me that the majority of the men who’ve been featured of these posts are seeing that their traction is on a slippery slope.

    As for Colby and Pierce… these two are a mess. Colby you don’t have to indicate career suicide. That didn’t happen when you waited damn there near a month to be vocal about a creep that we’ve been calling out for years. It happened when you abandoned your “gay” persona and started sleeping with anything that could say hello. That’s when people removed you off their radars.

    Pierce your downfall is simply because of the same thing but even more it’s because of limp dick syndrome. Your reputation suffers from it and it’s time to bow out. Maybe do like Cliff Jensen and smoke some weed before hand.

    Hoss completely has ruined himself with those hideous tattoos.

    Xavier sounds like he’s getting tired of people calling him out because of his choices but it’s always easy to point the finger at someone. Remember though, three are pointing right back at you.

    Lukas truly is suffering from some extreme body dysmorphia and I hope instead of going through such a dangerous and risky surgery, maybe he can talk to trained professionals that can honestly get to the bottom of things before going under the knife.

    As for the opening ceremony, I wasn’t offended, I just didn’t get it at all. If anything Sharok is more offensive than the damn show.

    • logogay

      I completely agree with what you said in the first two paragraphs of your article.
      I think that Derek only switched to MEN/MG to show the whole gay community once again that he can eat and fuck vaginas! They’ll definitely be “starring” him in one of their monthly Vagina Scenes soon! The “queer” consumers at MEN can already look forward to this.

  11. tig68

    Max Konnor–Who wouldn’t recognize a dwarf with muscles. I don’t know who would want to recognize you, you’re tired and you really need to just disappear.

    Jeremiah Cruze– Very cute ginger!! But, fall in love with someone other than hookups on GRINDR of all places, maybe that is why they don’t last. You need to find real men not ones that are looking for just hookups. But, still a very cute GINGER.

    Christian Wilde– I think there are a lot of people that would recognize you on the streets you are one person that has your G4P life and doesn’t come off as some asshole on social media, that is a good characteristic to have. Hope you are coming along well with your illness. Keep up the good work. Looking good on KINK.

    Jake Orion– Who cares what you have to say, can you even consider yourself a porn star with what a couple of scenes on RB and nothing else out there. Str8, Gay, Bi no one cares who you are you never did anything in the industry anyway. Having a big dick doesn’t make you a porn star.

    Cliff Jensen — Smoking pot was not changing your attitude at all chemicals don’t do that to a person, If a person is going to be an asshole then they will be one, if they won’t be one then the won’t be one. You on the other hand come off as an asshole with or without the pot. I thought you had disappeared already what’s keeping you from doing so. You seem to be like one of those types to follow in AustinWolf’s footsteps.

    Michael Jackman– Get over yourself if your relationships don’t last its because of you and the type of person you are. But the mustache you are sporting now is making you look like you belong in the AustinWolf club and want to become a permanent member of it. You would fit in just perfect in that club since you want to be called “Daddy” and a sad one at that.

    Xavier Zane — if you are being told who or what you maybe its because it is all true, people who don’t see themselves for what or who they really are can be really ignorant to this. Just get out of the industry and then you don’t have to worry about all that stuff.

    Pierce Paris (Mr. ED) — Wow! When are you going to realize no one wants to see your limp dick on their screen, you go on that your dick is too big and that is why it doesn’t get hard, but I have seen guys with dicks as big as yours and they have no problem getting hard. Why are you trying to stick around still is it because you are falling behind in mortgage pymts and need the money. Just leave get the picture already!!!!!

    Hayden Brier — I hope everything turns out good for you on the results.

    Colby Jansen — Getting away from Step- anyone videos is not going to help you in the future you destroyed your own name in porn with your attitude and with all the snide remarks you made to people and then stating that you were married to top it off when it didn’t even last long and still making snide remarks. You have that personality that would do very well in the “AustinWolf” club and probably make Elite status with the vibe you give off.

    Who’s this tatehoskins never seen him don’t want to know him and is not all that.

    Hoss Kado — the tats you have destroyed your body they do not look good at all. You think they improved your looks well they didn’t.

    Nate Grimes — With or without the roids doesn’t matter. Nothing on earth will ever get your hole back to normal getting fisted and double fisted and stretched out down there like you have I’d be surprised if anyone would be able to feel the sides if they were in you. I’m surprised that you don’t have to wear diapers because you can’t hold your shit in. Just know that if you’re not wearing them now you will be later because when you get old your ass will not be able to hold your crap in because it will be too stretched and you will be too old to be able to hold it in.

    Lukas Daken — What is wrong with you? Either you need to get a sex change or just give up what you are doing now, You are still going to be a guy when you are done and how is shrinking your penis going to make you feel any better and there is no going back once you are done doing what you are doing. Wow!

    Wow! This weeks shit really floated to the top it really didn’t stay below the surface, Either some of these guys are lonely or they just need attention, but they are getting the wrong way.

  12. NovaStar

    Max Konnor: the person noticing that loser has no taste at all.

    Swhirly: those were some great words. I was feeling that.

    Pierce Paris: first off, I still see him in lots of gay porn since 2020 so what is he talking about? Second, he needs to go away and fuck everyone else since he loved everyone else with his wack ass.

    Hayden Briar: I pray he has good results from his test

    Colby Jansen: he used to be so awesome to me. He made great scenes and was just the perfect kind of guy that I loved in these films. But ever since he started fucking girls & trans people, my attraction to him has gone down considerably, so if this is the way to get him out of doing porn, so be it because he needs to go anyway.

    Sharok: the controversy with the Olympics is way more intriguing than his films.

    Lukas Daken: WTF SMH There is just way too much going on with that one.

    Derek Kage: i want to like him cause he’s made a number of films I’ve liked but he’s creepy to me. He can give back to whatever & whoever but the fact that he fucks women & trans folks and still calls himself “gay” will never stop being offensive. He needs to go away with his phony ass.

  13. George

    Looks like Hoss Kado is trying to catch up with MGK on ridiculous tattoos front.

    Nate probably also needs to give up on the extreme fisting too besides the roads.

        • logogay

          I would like to see MGK film some gay porn. I think he is actually bi and secretly fucks men. He also definitely does threesomes with his girlfriend Megan, who is openly bi.

      • Andy

        Pierce Paris might not be working in mainstream gay porn but he is still getting fucked by other men. He has made only fans videos getting fucked by Roman Todd & JJ Knight.

  14. Pssuucl

    PP is more sexual goof artist than porn star.

    Which is to say: nobody cares.

    His social media betrays a complete inability to guess what we think is hot, which leaves people thinking he doesn’t really care, which makes us think: why bother?

  15. MOP User

    RE the Olympics: I really detest the way we’re hardly ever portrayed as normal people. All that opening ceremony did is reinforce the stereotype to billions of people that gay people/the ‘LGBT community’ are a bunch of feminine, subversive, cross-dressing weirdos. This TQ/drag association is so embarrassing and emasculating.

    • Magnus

      What are you talking about? Are you another bible thumper in some flyover state who has never had a passport? It’s Paris for christsake. Pun intended. The entire opening ceremony was avant garde. That’s their schtick and it has been since before the turn of the last century. This was not an anti christian political gay movement intended to indoctrinate children. Seriously, just fuck off Cletus.

      • MOP User

        I made my point very clear and I made no mention of religion. Try responding to what I actually said.

        • Magnus

          Then why are you whining, bitch? We all know what you are talking about.

          • MOP User

            I presume you’re a feminine, subversive, cross-dressing weirdo who is offended by what I said? I stated what I’m talking about in my first sentence.

    • Pssuucl

      I think its only French people who seem that way. France has always been culturally and religiously complicated. Pushing limits is how they cope wth the contradictions.

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